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Orange and Almond cake, individual cakes


I want to make Annabelle Langbein’s Egyptian Orange & Almond cake but bake it in individual wee cakes (medium muffin tins or maybe little loaf tins).
Any idea how long that would take? The recipe for the whole cake takes an hour, I’m thinking that the little ones might be .... 20 - 25 minutes? Probably hard to overcook them to dryness but I want them to have the succulent moistness of the original but still be cooked rather than soggy...?

Any ideas appreciated :)

patsprat - 2019-07-12 17:54:00

Check them at 18 minutes. You don't have to poke them but if you touch the top and is too soft then you know to cook it more. Better to check early then to leave it till to late.

marcs - 2019-07-12 18:00:00

Thanks, Marcs. 170C fanbake ? My oven runs hot so maybe 160?

patsprat - 2019-07-12 18:08:00
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