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Trying to Impress Inlaws w/ Mussel Fritters !


Hey guys and gals!

Wanting to make the best Mussel and Whitebait fritters for my in laws that are coming over from the U.K next week.
I have whitebait in the freezer and am yet to get some mussels. Wanting to serve them a true taste of kiwiana <3
I have a mincer, blender & a food processer on hand if any of these would help.

Any recipies would be much appreciated <3


str8.up - 2019-07-08 14:59:00

just remember that if they have had mussel fritters before the would have had ones with tiny wee mussels so may pay to mince the mussels .....unlesss they are OK at trying "new" stuff ??

flagheaven - 2019-07-08 15:18:00

Last week, I went to a cafe, and they had hot battered mussels.Bought one, and because I like to check my food, cut it in half. Inside the yummy crunchy batter was a huge whole mussel.
Ws very tasty.

korbo - 2019-07-08 15:29:00

For whitebait fritters, I always mix the egg yolk/s, small amount of flour, whitebait, seasonings & for lightness beat the egg whites until stiff & gently fold in well. I'm sorry I can't find the recipe book for exact quantities atm & of course it depends on the quantity of whitebait
...but it's similar to this recipe

They are always light & very tasty & the bait flavour is well pronounced.
The fritters puff up when being cooked.
good luck

samanya - 2019-07-08 17:56:00

Don't forget to fillet the whitebait, ;) I will do a search for a previous thread that comes to mind,and I hope the visit goes well :)

Edited by unknowndisorder at 7:50 pm, Mon 8 Jul

unknowndisorder - 2019-07-08 19:48:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

;t forget to fillet the whitebait, ;)

Yes, and keep the bones and heads to make stock for whitebait soup.... ;)

Heh heh heh - gosh, that took me back!
My dad used to tell us that when we were little and whitebaited with him down the Kaituna River....

autumnwinds - 2019-07-08 20:43:00

@ Samanya Fantastic advice thankyou, I will thaw a portion and give that a recipe a go! Good to keep it nice & traditional

@ Unknowndisorder (Great Name btw hahaha) Thankyou for sharing that, I'm excited to get experimental

Hahaha I'd be in the kitchen until christmas filleting thos tiny things . Thankyou everyone for your input "<3

Edited by str8.up at 11:08 pm, Mon 8 Jul

str8.up - 2019-07-08 23:07:00

No flour with whitebait, egg only. For extra mussel fritter taste I sometimes add a tin of smoked mussels.

jan2242 - 2019-07-09 11:24:00

Maybe check they like seafood first? Or at least have another kiwiana option. Many that love seafood don't imagine that some of us can't stand it. Just saying. Good luck, I'm sure they'll love anything you make but it's extra nervy isn't it when it's in-laws.

oakcottage - 2019-07-09 12:01:00
jan2242 wrote:

No flour with whitebait, egg only. For extra mussel fritter taste I sometimes add a tin of smoked mussels.

Hi There would you mince the mussels? What a great thread

happs1 - 2019-07-09 12:13:00

Do they like seafood then?
I loathe the stuff.

lythande1 - 2019-07-09 16:06:00
happs1 wrote:

Hi There would you mince the mussels? What a great thread

....heck no...that would be so mushy. chopped....yes

korbo - 2019-07-09 19:35:00

Never had mussel fritters only toheroa fritters. We have mussels either just poached until they are open and served in half a shell with a little topping (your choice) or we crumb or batter them whole and cook in the deep fryer.

strathview - 2019-07-09 19:36:00

Because I don't particularly like fried battered mussels, I use 1/4 white wine to 3/4 water in a large pan, big enough to do all flat at once, or in batches, bring to the simmer, put mussels in, bring back to gentle simmer, put lid on, and turn off element, and leave to cool in liquid. This cooks them without toughening. If not serving hot, then they're cooled at this stage.

If serving hot, remove from pan into bowls, up the heat in the pan, reduce the liquid by at least half, add add a goodly amount of cream before pouring into the bowl over mussels, sprinkle with chopped coriander or parsley. Can add finely chopped onion and garlic to panand softening, before adding the wine and water. Serve with plenty of lightly toasted speciality bread (eg ciabatta) to sop up the juices.

If I'm in the mood, I add some lemongrass, some fresh coriander (or parsley, if you loathe coriander) and 1/2 teaspoon Thai seasoning (one of the proprietary brands), and then as above.

Edited by autumnwinds at 8:49 pm, Tue 9 Jul

autumnwinds - 2019-07-09 20:49:00

For mussel fritters, you use raw mussels. Don't cook them first. About 20 mussels, cup of flour and 1 egg, pepper.
You could also splash out and buy a Paua and mince that as well.
And don't forget the oysters and Kina.

blueviking - 2019-07-10 06:11:00

Also a bowl of raw fish.

blueviking - 2019-07-10 06:12:00
blueviking wrote:

Also a bowl of raw fish.

There all terrible and you shouldn't make them eat them, give them a plate of oven chips so they don't have to eat them and just buy a pavlova from the supermarket.

ash4561 - 2019-07-10 06:52:00
happs1 wrote:

Hi There would you mince the mussels? What a great thread

. The smoked mussels are small anyway - no, leave them whole. As for raw mussels, you could mice some just incase they hate the feel of the whole mussel. Have you checked they even like them??

jan2242 - 2019-07-10 10:19:00

I hate scaling the whitebait, it's such a fiddly job.

westward1 - 2019-07-10 11:10:00

Have your inlaws tried these before, hopefully they are not allergic to shellfish, and whitebait. have fun ..

shuzbut - 2019-07-10 11:45:00

why are you scaling whitebait, they don't have fish scales.??

shuzbut - 2019-07-10 11:47:00
shuzbut wrote:

why are you scaling whitebait, they don't have fish scales.??

Perhaps the North Island ones do.

sunnysue1 - 2019-07-10 14:16:00
shuzbut wrote:

why are you scaling whitebait, they don't have fish scales.??

At least take the pin bones out, had a grandmother who choked on one.
Never want to go through that again.

smallwoods - 2019-07-10 17:43:00

also consider coconut mussels
cook/steam them until just open
roughly chop em
mix in with coconut cream, capsicum, red onion, spring onion
spice as desired
if you have lots of time you can get away without cooking/steaming them first … just give more time in the coconut

for the mussel fritters … hell em an leave the 'meat' in the juice … chop the meat roughly
make a rising batter (can be a bit dry/stiff)
use a slotted spoon to add mussel meat to batter … and mussel juice to moisten
fry in butter
whitebait fritters i beat the egg whites until fluffy ... mix the yolks n salt n pepper ... mix with whites ... and bait ... add a lil bit of flour or corn flour (may only be a table spoon or 2) again fry in butter
best if you can have heaps of white bait ... use the mix to hold em together ... if too much for the rellies ... just give em another slice of buttered bread
sorry thesethings i make/cook by look/texture/tatse ... so no quantites

butter is your friend (don't over do it ... but is the best taste)

pheonix4 - 2019-07-11 21:41:00

Also do a home smoked fish. The bought ones are normally too dry. Hard to beat fresh smoked fish straight out the smoker(or hooded bbq)
Another idea for mussels is this:
With a sharpish knife. cut the mussels in half, in their shell.Add some garlic butter( I also mix ginger and chilli ones) then cover with grated cheese. Grill on bbq or in the oven.Scoff while still warm. I have given these to people that don't eat mussels and they make them themselves now.

blueviking - 2019-07-12 08:33:00
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