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Why oh why


can I never pull the right string on the spud bags and the 5kg of sugar. Grrr!

rainrain1 - 2019-07-06 11:33:00

We should get a club going, it's so frustrating. Drop your toast on the floor, and sure enough, it will be jam side down.

westward1 - 2019-07-06 11:43:00

The toast, guarantee it

rainrain1 - 2019-07-06 11:56:00
rainrain1 wrote:

can I never pull the right string on the spud bags and the 5kg of sugar. Grrr!

You are not alone there!

samanya - 2019-07-06 12:05:00

If you turn the bag so that the small tape (sewn on top of the wider tape) is facing you, then pull the small tape and string towards you from the right hand end it should come undone easily. Hope this is helpful.

crazynana - 2019-07-06 13:19:00

Ok thanks crazynana, I have managed it before today, but never quite sure how I did it. And too impatient would be me.

rainrain1 - 2019-07-06 13:43:00

You could always cut along the bag under the tapey bit.
& then there's another 'why, oh why' question ...I have a deep drawer that I keep the 5kg flour in & I scoop quantities out as needed, then I push the top down & (here's the why bit) ... the top scoops up flour while I'm not looking & next time I open it up to get some more flour out,the stuff that the bag has sneakily scooped up, jumps into the drawer!

samanya - 2019-07-06 19:15:00

Don't blame the flour, Sam, it's that kitten getting into mischief after you go to bed.

kacy5 - 2019-07-06 19:22:00

Not recipes really, but sort of follows the theme, why when you’re wearing a striped top does an annoying drip ALWAYS drop on the white stripe!

strowan1 - 2019-07-08 11:04:00
kacy5 wrote:

Don't blame the flour, Sam, it's that kitten getting into mischief after you go to bed.

lol that's it!

samanya - 2019-07-08 12:04:00
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