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I'm feeling hungry on keto


Day 2 on keto and I'm feeling hungrey on ket and snaking alot on cheese, eggs and meat...between meals I'm not sure it's normal...has anyone had this happen to them before..thanks

johvri - 2019-07-03 22:45:00

I was always hungry on Keto. Apparently its caused by not enough fat in your daily intake

crails - 2019-07-04 08:56:00

It takes a few days to become adapted, give it time and make sure you are getting enough fat.

davidt4 - 2019-07-04 09:08:00

Atkins diet.

gabbysnana - 2019-07-07 06:26:00

While your body adjusts you will feel hungry. It’s okay to eat eggs, cheese, salads etc when you are. The main thing is that you don’t eat sugary biscuits and ice cream and junk food.
When I started this way of eating last winter I rediscovered beef bone broth and cooked up huge pot fulls. I’d always have a brew on the stove.Not only did it warm me up and taste delicious, it was good for me.

(You will soon get through the feeling hungry phase and go from snacking lots to not even getting hungry til lunch time!)

lovelurking - 2019-07-07 07:25:00

I don't find fat satiating, so I never felt full on Keto. It's not a way of eating that works for everyone.

huggy5 - 2019-07-07 09:37:00

When I started off on this way of eating I didnt worry about how much I was eating as long as it wasnt the wrong things. I always had a favourite cheese in the fridge or had a spoonful of peanut butter. Bacon and eggs for breakfast. Find something you like. You will get used to it and then you will adjust. You just need something to take the edge of your hunger and eventually you stop being hungry. Drink plenty of water.

grouch - 2019-07-07 10:56:00

Thanks all appreciate your advise...2 weeks in still feeling hungrey so I will keep all this in mind

johvri - 2019-07-16 23:51:00

Learn how to make sauerkraut. It is not only a taste treat but it also provides every b vitamin apart from B12 AND vitamin C which is sometimes hard to get enough of unless you eat fruit. 100grms with olive oil will fill you up and be only about 4-5g of carbs. If you want to get fancy you can wrap it all up in a couple of lettuce leaves and add cucumber.

If you need some sort of guidelines on how to make it just ask.

It will take at least 5 days fermentation until you can eat it but once you have tried it you will always make sure you have a jar in the fridge.

Just so you know, it is getting easier and easier to make sauerkraut and other lacto-fermented foods nowadays. There are plenty of places that make special lids and weights for jars. Briscoes sells one with a slightly larger than normal jar, a glass weight, a silicone top with a one way valve and a screw band to hold it all down. I have gone down this route now. It saves having to look after a heavy Harsch fermenting pot and I only need to make a couple of jars full at a time which store easily in the fridge after the initial fermentation period. It also means I can make a variety of different flavours. My current favourite is ¾green cabbage, ¼red cabbage, caraway seeds and a few crush juniper berries. To die for delicious.

It is also extremely good for gut health.

buzzy110 - 2019-07-17 09:05:00
johvri wrote:

Thanks all appreciate your advise...2 weeks in still feeling hungrey so I will keep all this in mind

Frequently it's not hunger. It can be electrolyte imbalance, thirst, or your body trying to goad you into eating carbs. Up your fats and salt. I hope you aren't counting calories (no need, as your body will control those for you)
If you are eating keto sweet treats, I highly recommend you stop those too.

geldof - 2019-07-17 12:36:00

andrew697 - 2019-07-18 06:17:00
geldof wrote:

Up your healthy fats and salt.
If you are eating keto sweet treats, I highly recommend you stop those too.

Both are excellent points.Fats are highly satiating.

Sweet on the tongue will cause the body to produce insulin. That mean that any sweetener, be it high carb refined sugar or artificial low carb sweeteners, and stevia. When there is more insulin than glucose in the system what results is an insulin spike. And insulin is very effective at sending messages to the brain to ask it to send messages to the stomach that ask you to eat more.

OP you know what that feels like and when it comes to a battle between hunger and will power, I'm afraid to say that hunger usually wins. Hunger is deeply atavistic. Will power, not so much.

Which is why, imo, sauerkraut will an ev oil such as olive, peanut, sesame, avoocado, etc make an excellent b/f or lunch meal (if things like avocado, tomato, seeds, preserved lime and some protein - boiled eggs, smoked/tinned salmon, sardines, salami made the natural way, crispy bacon, chicken, raw fish, etc are added, or as a snack food on its own.

buzzy110 - 2019-07-18 12:57:00

If you like hot drinks add cream. That does it for me. Pile on the mayo or EVO on to greens. 3 eggs a day. Nuts if you are still starving..

wendalls - 2019-07-18 18:31:00
andrew697 wrote:

All that stuff has been addressed and dismissed by researchers and those sensible people who have been helped immensely by the diet but want to know it's safe. Like any way of eating there is still variation and you need to use common sense and be well informed to do if properly. Once your appetite falls away and you only eat twice a day then excess of anything is not a problem.

wendalls - 2019-07-18 18:41:00

Thanks all for your advice..I've I'm not eating Keto treats but upping my fat intake..I hadn't thought of sauerkraut buzzy..will have to give that a crack..

johvri - 2019-07-18 21:54:00
johvri wrote:

Thanks all for your advice..I've I'm not eating Keto treats but upping my fat intake..I hadn't thought of sauerkraut buzzy..will have to give that a crack..

One other thing I thought about was caffeine. I have had to forego coffee, even decaf coffee before my first meal because it causes an insulin spike and makes me ravenously hungry within ½hr of drinking. It has been a while since I have had anything but black coffee (started drinking black coffee when I was 15). However, bulletproof coffee is rather good.

I put the butter and a small amount of hot coffee into a deep bowl and blend with a hand held blender then pour into the cup with the rest of the hot coffee.

There are many methods and recipes on the net if you are interested.

buzzy110 - 2019-07-19 11:46:00

I found it useful to have some hard boiled eggs, salami slices and cheese ready to go when I first started and was feeling hungry. Now I don’t really get hungry so don’t worry, you will get used to this way of eating.
Another thing I recommend is homemade beef broth. It tastes great and Is really good for you. I always have a pot on the stove in the colder months.

lovelurking - 2019-07-19 14:39:00

My snacks while on low carb are celery sticks with lashings of peanut butter on them, Biltong, homemade low carb Anzac biscuits. I also make my own low carb bread in a breadmaker.

nzstocked - 2019-07-23 09:30:00
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