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cooking bacon in the oven (not grilling)


Does anybody cook their bacon in the oven (not under the grill). Looking for a tried and true method please. I think I recall Jo Seagar rolling it up before she cooked it but not sure.

jwjmummy - 2019-07-03 13:25:00

Layer slices in a stainless steel dish and bake at 220. When it looks good turn it all over and cook until done. Put some tomatoes in too and serve with crusty bread. Heaven!!!

bisloy - 2019-07-03 13:51:00

Yes, I often cook bacon as bisloy does, maybe not quite as hot as that, but it cooks well and no spatters all over the cooktop. (ha ha, they're all inside the oven...) Doesn't take long either

patsprat - 2019-07-03 13:56:00

I lay them on a tray covered in baking paper put in a cold oven at 200 deg does really good job

timturtle - 2019-07-03 18:03:00

I lay the rashers on a cake rack (oven proof) and bake, heaps of the fat drips off so it's not lying in its own fat. Still juicy and crisp and yum.

nunesy - 2019-07-03 18:49:00

I roll the bacon, and sit it edge up, and I use a medium grill for 10 minutes, crispy edge and not dried out bacon, dont need to turn it and its not sitting in juice.

articferrit - 2019-07-04 07:21:00

What is wrong with the grill? Streaky bacon, under a grill, makes it crispy and perfect

lythande1 - 2019-07-04 08:56:00
lythande1 wrote:

What is wrong with the grill? Streaky bacon, under a grill, makes it crispy and perfect

My grill has a mind of its own - A crematorium would be cooler i reckon.

jwjmummy - 2019-07-04 14:17:00

Cover a roasting dish with baking paper, wipe over with a bit of oil, place the bacon evenly, cook for about 10 to 15 minutes at 190 degrees. Keep an eye on it and time it to how you like your bacon. Quick, no mess

suziebee - 2019-07-10 13:30:00
lythande1 wrote:

What is wrong with the grill? Streaky bacon, under a grill, makes it crispy and perfect

I also find a grill creates splatters and mess that's what wrong. OP stated not grilling BTW

timturtle - 2019-07-10 14:07:00
lythande1 wrote:

What is wrong with the grill? Streaky bacon, under a grill, makes it crispy and perfect

I also find a grill creates splatters and mess that's whats wrong. OP stated not grilling BTW

timturtle - 2019-07-10 14:08:00

I cook our bacon in the microwave between doubled paper towels, in mine 5 rashers approx 2 1/2 mins.
The fat comes out in the towels, and just need to give the turntable a wipe with a hot soapy cloth.

Edited by vashti at 10:33 pm, Wed 10 Jul

vashti - 2019-07-10 22:32:00

Always do mine in the airfryer

mike1364 - 2019-08-04 11:53:00

Always do mine in oven on a rack over dish with another small dish for balsamic cherry tomatoes.

Edited by glenn-ellyn at 10:36 am, Sun 11 Aug

glenn-ellyn - 2019-08-11 10:36:00

Lay baking paper on oven tray, lay slices of bacon on bake in oven at 180deg for 10 mins, turn and brush with maple syrup. Bake further 5mins, comes out crunchier and yummy.

pollypanner - 2019-08-11 18:27:00

I only cook bacon in the oven now. I line a roasting dish with tinfoil,spray with cooking spray, place the bacon on that and cook at around 200 on fan forced.. If the pieces overlap you will need to turn them part way through to make sure all pieces are crisp.

lynja - 2019-08-12 06:46:00

lynja, may I ask why you spray with cooking spray? Do you find the bacon sticks to the foil if you don't?

bisloy - 2019-08-13 08:52:00

Yes bisloy I have found that despite there being the usual fat from bacon.

lynja - 2019-08-14 06:54:00
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