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Marriage Certificates Signatures


I am also wondering if anyone can help me?
I have purchased a lot of above photo copies trying to match a signature and have had several copies of it looks like the same handwriting over all the areas and I understood that both persons being married had to sign. I did phone BDM's and was told they probably write similar !
Has anyone any ideas or info about this?
I do appreciate all your help and suggestions so Thank You in advance.

westie128 - 2019-07-01 14:42:00

If the parties signed in a register, rather than on several paper forms, the celebrant may have sent the registrar a transcription of the record.

stock - 2019-07-01 16:23:00

The actual original may be in the church records rather than BDM. Have you found a probate? People have to sign their wills.

rednicnz - 2019-07-01 18:02:00

Hi rednicnz thanks for that but yes I have and a number of James Wilson died intestate so no luck there I'm afraid.
So the couple getting married aren't they supposed to sign ?
I will look into the church registers for some as others married at private residences but there still must be a signature other than the Priest / Minister.
Thanks again.

westie128 - 2019-07-01 18:43:00

Thanks stock yes I will look into that before I buy another certificate.

westie128 - 2019-07-01 18:46:00

A certificate or printout are taken from the register,the printout is a photocopy of the entry in the register (they used to be large ledgers) a certificate is transcribed from the register.The only register a couple usually sign is in the church.The minister would send monthly lists to the registrar to enter in the register in days gone by.

carbs51 - 2019-07-01 21:39:00

Thank You for that carbs51 I didn't realise that what was signed on the marriage day was not a copy of the marriage certificate and I should have asked this question earlier but at least I know now Thanks Again.

westie128 - 2019-07-02 19:51:00

it depends on the year, when I remarried in 2006 we got given a copy of our Marriage License from the Celebrant which has our signatures, last year I had to get a copy of our Marriage Certificate for Legal purposes and it has no signatures at all just typewritten.

crab2 - 2019-07-02 20:47:00
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