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School Records Invercargill 1907 onwards


I am trying to find my father's record of schooling in Invercargill. Goerge William Todd was born 1902, lived in Invercargill but went to Waitaki Boys High in Oamaru in 1918 for a year. The years in between elude me.
His 2 brothers John and Charles went to Waitaki in 1918 and 1919.

nat103 - 2019-06-29 09:20:00

Births index:
1902/9858 Todd George William, Florence Nina, George Charles Alexander

The NZSG Kiwi Collection has in its School Records index 4 children of "G C A Todd". They were admitted to Invercargill Middle School 1908 (George) to 1917 (Rona); when they left is not recorded.

There was also an Arthur with parent "Charles", same school, 1914.

That suggests the family were at Invercargill until at least 1917.

These items could be your target family too:
George Todd was in Standard 2 at the Middle School in 1911
Southland Times, Issue 16920, 21 December 1911

George & William Todd were swimmers at Avenal in 1917:
Southland Times, Issue 17974, 15 March 1917

Not related to your query, but engagement of George announced here:

stock - 2019-06-29 11:52:00

Thanks Stock, you are amazing! Certainly the right family and the icing on the cake was the engagement notice of my parents!!
Much appreciated - NAT

nat103 - 2019-06-29 17:01:00
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