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Photo Album


Does anybody know of a method of getting photos out of those 1970"s album that had self adhesive pages and then plastic that self closed over the photo have got some old albums like this and would like to try to preserve the photos before they deteriorate to badly.

fenian1 - 2019-06-26 13:02:00

Can you take another picture or scan them? I remember hearing a speaking saying to use dental floss to remove them from the sticky pages. I didnt find it a good method.

kiwiwendy - 2019-06-26 14:34:00

I could try that .Thanks. I was just hoping there would be a way to save them if possible some are loose but others are stuck hard

Edited by fenian1 at 3:29 pm, Wed 26 Jun

fenian1 - 2019-06-26 15:29:00

worst sort of album for photographs those things... would being left for the air to get them help at all>?

neich - 2019-06-27 19:40:00

Thats worth a try thanks neich

fenian1 - 2019-06-27 21:49:00

I did the dental floss thing with mixed results. Ended up cutting them out and scanning immediately before they faded further. Was able to enhance in editing , so better than the originals.

junie2 - 2019-06-27 23:44:00

sounds good

kiwiwendy - 2019-06-28 06:14:00
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