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Industrial Schools 1900-1910


Just hoping someone might know.
When children were licensed out to work were they ever sent to other areas in NZ eg Wellington to Southland?
I am grabbing at straws here but am run out of options to find my Grandfathers Family. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
Thank You.

westie128 - 2019-06-25 23:21:00

I asked my brother in law because he had a family member placed in an industrial school. He found some documents on Archway regarding their fostering but he wasn't sure what you mean by "licensed out".

Have you search the archives for records.

daisy86 - 2019-06-28 16:09:00

Depends on the era of your interest, but if the placement in an industrial school was made by a court, it was probably reported in a newspaper:
The NZ Society of Genealogists has some industrial school records in its Kiwi Collection about 1880-1895. A quick look shows a Dunedin "commital" sent to Nelson, but I guess you a looking at where a child was sent after leaving the industrial school.

stock - 2019-06-28 16:31:00

Thank you stock and Daisy licensed out is when they were sent out to work sometimes for lengthy periods of time and this girl was in Wellington from 1887 - 1905. I just wondered if she might have been sent to other parts of NZ to work but now I think that would not be likely to happen.
Thanks Again.

westie128 - 2019-06-28 20:45:00

You know how everyone likes to help - do you want to put up some names, dates and any other bits of info you may have. Someone might see something new.

daisy86 - 2019-06-28 21:37:00

Thank you Daisy for your suggestions but I do think it very unlikely now but I'll put a couple of details in anyway.
MARGARET MCCARTHY was put into St Joseph's Wellington 1888 by the Court and she was there until the age of 21yrs.I have all the documents and info verifying this.
MARGARET was licensed out to work from 2nd - 28th December 1902 now probably to a family in Wellington and possibly named WILSON as during this time she became pregnant with my Mother born Aug 1903.
It's my Grandfathers family that I'm trying to find he was JAMES WILSON BORN 1885 in NZ.
So if there is anyone with any suggestions they are always thankfully received.

westie128 - 2019-07-01 14:34:00
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