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Is FindMyPast at most libraries?


I do not have a sub but want to search and look through some of their passenger lists. Just wondering if the libraries have access to FindMypast?

catsmeat1 - 2019-06-24 21:49:00

Whakatane online resources:

They have Ancestry, but don't mention Find My Past. Ask a librarian; sometimes they need a nudge to make an addition to their collections.

You are familiar with the Archives NZ collection of passenger lists at Family Search?

Edited by stock at 10:57 pm, Mon 24 Jun

stock - 2019-06-24 22:55:00

Thanks stock, will check with my local library. The names on FindmyPast passenger list vary from those on Family Search, so would like to see both lists.

catsmeat1 - 2019-06-25 09:57:00

Kathy, have you ever had a sub with Find my Past, if not use their 14 day free trial and just cancel just before they hit you on the credit card.

crab2 - 2019-06-27 07:51:00
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