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Ancestry Family Tree visibility


I'm stumped by this but I'm sure it's simple. In my family tree I have my Fathers full name, he has two middle names so it's reasonably unique. As best I can tell, the tree is public. My wife also has him in her tree which is quite different to mine, she is also public. If I use a browser where I'm not logged in to Ancestry and search the exact name, I only get a single 'hit' from her tree but not mine. Anyone had anything similar? Really not sure why mine which is the one missed out.

cookee_nz - 2019-06-23 17:08:00

If you don't have death date entered it will assume the person is still living and display 'Private' where the name would go, and probably not come up in search results. If you posted the tree ID one of us could check to see if they can see it and therefore confirm it is indeed public, you'll find the tree id in the url address at the top when you're looking at your tree. If you search for other people in your tree does it come up in search results?

lucky.gadgets - 2019-06-23 18:06:00

you can change it, just click on edit beside the person's name and tick is this person still living and it will change to private

If you want to have your tree private go to Tree Settings and choose to have it private or private and not able to be searched

Edited by crab2 at 10:40 am, Mon 24 Jun

crab2 - 2019-06-24 10:39:00
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