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The Genealogist site?


Anyone subbed to it? Any comments? Thinking of joining and some feedback would be appreciated.

hammerman1 - 2019-06-19 08:31:00

I'd be interested in hearing what their unique selling point is too! Started the free trial and cancelled it because I wasn't find anything that wasn't somewhere else. They do have a library edition but where you can access it will depend on where you live.

rednicnz - 2019-06-19 17:15:00

Getting the feeling that no one has it!

rednicnz - 2019-06-24 11:43:00

Me too. Started the free trial and to be honest I thought it was shite. Their layout is crap and I couldn't find a way to re-order the results. Maybe just me but it felt "yukky" after Ancestry.

hammerman1 - 2019-06-24 19:04:00
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