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Recipe similar to tip tops spicy fruit loaf


Does anyone have a recipe for fruit bread similar/same as the tip top one?

Kids love it but is a bit costly, have searched for a recipe but there is so many I was hoping someone here may have a tried and true one.

Edited by twinsforus at 7:16 pm, Sat 15 Jun

twinsforus - 2019-06-15 19:16:00

I've used the same recipe as hot cross buns and made it into a loaf. Not exactly the same taste, but near enough. You could vary the ingredients to suit.

camelot9 - 2019-06-15 20:42:00
camelot9 wrote:

I've used the same recipe as hot cross buns and made it into a loaf. Not exactly the same taste, but near enough. You could vary the ingredients to suit.

Thank you!
Have all the ingredients so will give it a have become very keen to bake lately and are finally past the "lets eat the ingredients before they go in the bowl" stage!!!

twinsforus - 2019-06-15 21:35:00

do u have a breadmaker, or making by hand?

korbo - 2019-06-16 09:51:00
korbo wrote:

do u have a breadmaker, or making by hand?

By hand at the moment.

twinsforus - 2019-06-16 17:44:00
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