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Husband and tomatoes


I have a problem......
Husband will eat fried tomatoes, tom soup, toms in a salad, toms raw on toast.....BUT when it comes to a casserole etc, cant seem to be able to tolerate the smell.
So many yummy recipes have cans of toms etc, and I love them.

What do you reckon I can do ?????

korbo - 2019-06-15 16:06:00

Try some purée. Leave them out, use some vege stock instead. Is he the one who doesn't like garlic chunks?

unknowndisorder - 2019-06-15 16:36:00

Cotton wool balls for his nostrils.

r.g.nixon - 2019-06-15 16:36:00
unknowndisorder wrote:

Try some purée. Leave them out, use some vege stock instead. Is he the one who doesn't like garlic chunks?

....sure is.....but lately hasnt noticed the garlic....ha ha

korbo - 2019-06-15 16:53:00
korbo wrote:

....sure is.....but lately hasnt noticed the garlic....ha ha

Phew :)

unknowndisorder - 2019-06-15 17:05:00
korbo wrote:

....sure is.....but lately hasnt noticed the garlic....ha ha

Soooo korbo, you've got around that one, well done.;o)
You will solve this one, I'm sure.
Are the 'tomato smells' in a heavily laden tomato dish?
I can't understand how tomatoes are smellable in most dishes, unless of course there is a pan of tomatoes for preserves like tom sauce simmering away & then it's the vinegar that smells.
maybe introduce slowly, slowly ...catchee monkey type strategy?
Best of luck.

samanya - 2019-06-15 18:02:00

My granddaughter hates tomato. Cooked, raw, relish, sauce, whatever.
I amend stuff. Cannelloni for instance which should have a tomato sauce, I do with mushroom for her instead.

lythande1 - 2019-06-15 18:03:00

Make casseroles without tomatoes, lots you can make.

fifie - 2019-06-15 18:05:00

Use strained puree.
Could be that he sees the seeds, and thinks "tomatoes - nah, gonna make a fuss"..... without the seeds, not so likely....

autumnwinds - 2019-06-15 19:08:00

Swap the husband.
There's a program doing that at the moment.

smallwoods - 2019-06-15 21:16:00

I wouldn't bother putting them in the casserole, there's plenty of tasty recipes with no tomatoes. My man hates them fried, so I don't fry them for him

rainrain1 - 2019-06-16 07:06:00

Tomatoes are related to Deadly Nightshade . . . can you see where I'm going here.

wasgonna - 2019-06-16 08:13:00

Mine won't eat raw tomatoes but will eat cooked. My youngest is the same. Will not eat raw tomatoes but will eat spag bol, tom sauce as long as it is cooked. Edited to say if there are chunks of tomato in spag bol or caserole it will get put aside. I would add a little tomato paste for flavour but use another base such as canned tom soup or mushroom soup if needed.

Edited by marcs at 6:15 pm, Sun 16 Jun

marcs - 2019-06-16 18:14:00
wasgonna wrote:

Tomatoes are related to Deadly Nightshade . . . can you see where I'm going here.

ha ha ha are potatoes related, but hmmm 'deadly' nightshade, not so sure about that.

Edited by samanya at 6:27 pm, Sun 16 Jun

samanya - 2019-06-16 18:24:00
autumnwinds wrote:

Use strained puree.
Could be that he sees the seeds, and thinks "tomatoes - nah, gonna make a fuss"..... without the seeds, not so likely....

It's the smell that he doesn't like though & that I can't quite understand.

samanya - 2019-06-16 18:29:00

Im like that about peanuts, I can eat peanuts, make biscuits, roasted, raw, cook with them, love and make peanut sauce, and yet peanut butter is the worst food ever invented, smells and looks disgusting and I cant even touch it let alone consider eating the stuff. We are all different and if your husband doesnt like tomato in casseroles its not really that serious is it? who knows why people don't eat liver or brussel sprouts either, in the grand scheme of things they dont really have to and choose not to.

articferrit - 2019-06-16 18:43:00
articferrit wrote:

Im like that about peanuts, I can eat peanuts, make biscuits, roasted, raw, cook with them, love and make peanut sauce, and yet peanut butter is the worst food ever invented, smells and looks disgusting and I cant even touch it let alone consider eating the stuff. We are all different and if your husband doesnt like tomato in casseroles its not really that serious is it? who knows why people don't eat liver or brussel sprouts either, in the grand scheme of things they dont really have to and choose not to.

Strange, isn't it? It's definitely each to their own.
I can't think of a single food that I don't like the smell of, (apart from tripe or over boiled cabbage that my mother used to cook,) which is what the op was saying.
I don't like the taste of some, but not many.
Kale doesn't do it for me, apart from baked kale 'chips' which I could devour by the bucket full.

samanya - 2019-06-16 18:51:00
samanya wrote:

It's the smell that he doesn't like though & that I can't quite understand.

No, I'm afraid I can't either.

I use tomatoes in many dishes (canned in winter), but really can't envisage them having a "smell" at all. Other ingredients (meat, spices, whatever) would always have a more pronounced aroma

autumnwinds - 2019-06-16 21:53:00

I like fried tomatoes and raw, but utterly detest tinned tomato soup and tinned tomatoes, including anything cooked with them. The tinny taste goes right through the dish. I'm on your husband's side!

deecee2 - 2019-06-21 21:02:00

I can understand how he can detect tinned tomatoes if he doesn’t like them - how about the same recipe using fresh tomatoes and some purée? I made a delicious beef casserole this week with tomato purée but no actual fresh or tinned tomatoes.

sarahb5 - 2019-06-21 22:28:00
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