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Thai fish cakes-the cafe


Going to make these for dinner tonight, but I have not got any riceflour. what can I use as subsitute? thx

korbo - 2019-06-15 16:00:00

Most recipes for Thai fish cakes don't require rice flour or any other flour. Just leave it out, it's probably there to add bulk. The albumen in the raw fish holds the cakes together.

davidt4 - 2019-06-15 16:33:00

well, the fish cakes were very tasty. went to use the curry paste and it had gone mouldy, so used chilli jam. didnt put quite as much as recipe said with spices etc, and added some lemongrass.
so easy all in food processor.
I did add some mashed spud.get the recipe off facebook. really easy and nice.

korbo - 2019-06-15 19:19:00
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