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How do you cook tinned jackfruit to taste like


pulled pork? I googled it but are not too impressed with the recipe I choose from the ton on there. Thanks

white_elephant - 2019-06-11 18:07:00

I have used and was happy with the recipe, have used it many times.

ruby19 - 2019-06-11 21:54:00

Thank you ruby, I'll give that one a try :)

white_elephant - 2019-06-13 09:30:00

My daughter did some the other day, spicy and ok, made small pies with it...thinking it has the texture needed to imitate meat?? PS we are meat eaters lol.

_mack_ - 2019-06-13 16:37:00

I ran across this this morning, it might be of interest.

davidt4 - 2019-06-14 07:41:00

Those recipes look interesting. One question tho, where do I find liquid smoke? I assume it is in the supermarket? Have never seen it but could be a case that I have never looked for it!

shepa1 - 2019-06-22 15:02:00

I bought some liquid smoke from a Barbecue shop, but that was many years ago. It might be worth having a look in the barbecue section at Bunnings or Mitre 10.

davidt4 - 2019-06-22 15:25:00

I use hickory liquid smoke from Adventure Kitchen which is based in Nelson, it is excellent.

malcovy - 2019-06-22 16:03:00
shepa1 wrote:

Those recipes look interesting. One question tho, where do I find liquid smoke? I assume it is in the supermarket? Have never seen it but could be a case that I have never looked for it!

I have seen it at Bin (or Binn) In shops

karlymouse - 2019-06-22 23:16:00

Shepa1 I just add more smoked paprika.

ruby19 - 2019-06-23 14:05:00
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