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How does one backup


all the census records and other data that is stored on Ancestry if you are thinking of changing subscriptions?

hammerman1 - 2019-06-09 17:10:00

Sorry for the double up.

hammerman1 - 2019-06-09 17:11:00

go to the bottom of one of the posts and click on report it here and ask Trademe to remove it telling them there is a double up

crab2 - 2019-06-09 18:39:00
hammerman1 wrote:

all the census records and other data that is stored on Ancestry if you are thinking of changing subscriptions?

download and save them to your computer, make a folder and call it Family History and then make a sub folder with the family name to save the image or Census to that particular family give you an idea this is how I do it

crab2 - 2019-06-09 18:44:00

oh and back up to a USB stick or external hard drive

crab2 - 2019-06-10 07:44:00

Don't ever use a USB stick as storage for anything that matters. They are unreliable.

Make relevant folders on your PC to separate your Tree data into logical areas, download each Tree's GEDCOM to your hard drive if you have more than one. It's only a text file so won't save any documents just data, so download every image or document for each person from the link Ancestry gave you and also any others you have saved from other trees and hints, print transcripts to pdf (install a free pdf printer if you don't already have one, Google will help you find one).

Then use a combination of storage media to back up your data, burn to a CD or DVD (make multiple copies and send at least one to live with someone else for safe keeping), copy to an external hard drive and also upload to a Cloud based storage area.

Edited by morticia at 10:42 pm, Sat 15 Jun

morticia - 2019-06-15 22:41:00
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