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Not sure about this


Can someone tell me how/where I might find the records of ships leaving Calcutta in 1854 /55. I'm after a ship called Prince of Wales that apparently left on March 4 185 for London, but not sure where they're hidden. Thanks in advance :)

tessnjess - 2019-06-09 12:23:00

Do you have the name of a passenger on it?

carbs51 - 2019-06-09 13:55:00

FIBIS tells me Prince of Wales left for London March 4th. The problem is, I'm not sure if it's the right date. The woman I'm tracking, Caroline Haig died, leaving just the 3 kids. I'm trying to work out if these are other people on March 4 - or my people with the wrong date, before she died in the January. Thanks carbs.

tessnjess - 2019-06-09 14:25:00

Should have said... Mother and kids were on their way back to London when the Mother died. It appears to be the kids on the ship in March,, but in July they're admitted to an orphanage in Calcutta. Following the ship though might shed some light.

tessnjess - 2019-06-09 16:16:00

You might find something in here with a bit of searching perhaps? You might first need to define ownership of the ship to determine whether it was a HEICS ship, private contracted or govt owned? Where a ship's records are stored, if they exists will depend on who owned her.

Edited by morticia at 4:53 pm, Sun 9 Jun

morticia - 2019-06-09 16:44:00

I would suggest trying to see if there is any mention of the ship in Newspapers that mentions the death

Could you give us the year

Edited by crab2 at 4:49 pm, Sun 9 Jun

crab2 - 2019-06-09 16:48:00

Thanks you guys - I'll dig into the ship's details. Caroline died Jan. 1854 in Calcutta crab - thanks.

tessnjess - 2019-06-10 07:59:00
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