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Too much chilli


Well not sure if it is chilli but it is too spicy. I put Tom Yum paste in the mix instead of green curry and it has made the chicken curry too hot. (I put a lot in too ! ) Is there anything I can add that would lesson the fire ? It already has some coconut cream in it.

fendie - 2019-06-09 10:33:00

Fendi sometimes sugar calms the chili a little.

Here are some other ideas

Edited by ruby19 at 10:55 am, Sun 9 Jun

ruby19 - 2019-06-09 10:53:00

Or try adding some sour cream or yoghurt, should take some of the hot spicy taste out.

fifie - 2019-06-09 12:38:00

Anything dairy - or coconut milk, cream.
Yoghurt is probably best. It kills it heaps, so use a bit and test...

lythande1 - 2019-06-09 13:02:00

Oh many thanks for all your replies, and ruby19 that is a very good link, I am going to try the lemon first, and I'll get some plain yoghurt too. I do appreciate all your help.

fendie - 2019-06-09 13:10:00
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