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Trying to recall an old saying about roast dinners


It starts out as "Sundays roast, is Mondays cold slices, Tuesdays stew and so on down to Sunday again. Anyone recall what it was?

bambam - 2019-06-04 10:29:00

For Sunday dinner we can boast
We have a leg of mutton roast;
On Monday if the truth be told
We eat it with some pickles cold.
On Tuesday, we some slices fry;
On Wednesday, yes, we make a pie;
On Thursday we, to cut a dash,
Make of it a savoury hash.
On Friday then, it's got so narrow
We crack the bones and eat the marrow.

rainrain1 - 2019-06-04 10:45:00

Might not be the one you want

rainrain1 - 2019-06-04 10:46:00

Hahaha, Not the one I was thinking of, but I like it. Thx

bambam - 2019-06-04 10:52:00

who has a MUTTON roast on sunday these days?

korbo - 2019-06-04 14:42:00

Not these days, but I remember my Scots grandmother boiling a leg of mutton for Sunday lunch, then serving the remains for the rest of the week in various disguises, all of them unpleasant.

davidt4 - 2019-06-04 15:23:00

We sometimes buy a Large from our Roast Shop down the road and it serves two for $17.50.

axelvonduisberg - 2019-06-04 16:44:00

I'm just trying to recall roast dinners - a distant memory.

letitia - 2019-06-04 17:10:00

Depends who's coming midday Sunday, then perhaps a nice roast

Edited by rainrain1 at 5:14 pm, Tue 4 Jun

rainrain1 - 2019-06-04 17:13:00

We knew 2 old bachelors who used to make a roast chicken last a week with soup on the menu for the last night, all that boiling probably saved them from anything nasty.

articferrit - 2019-06-04 17:16:00

Sounds hideous

rainrain1 - 2019-06-04 17:47:00

found this...
Hot on Sunday,
Cold on Monday,
Hashed on Tuesday,
Minced on Wednesday,
Curried on Thursday,
Broth on Friday,
Cottage Pie on Saturday.

From Dorothy Hartley, Food in England, 1954

campmum - 2019-06-04 18:01:00
campmum wrote:

found this...
Hot on Sunday,
Cold on Monday,
Hashed on Tuesday,
Minced on Wednesday,
Curried on Thursday,
Broth on Friday,
Cottage Pie on Saturday.

From Dorothy Hartley, Food in England, 1954

Yes, I remember that saying from when I was little. But I don't ever remember our roast lasting a week. Probably made it to soup on Wednesday if we were lucky.
Roast with veges and yorkshire pudding on Sunday
Cold Monday because it was washing day and it was an easy meal
Shepherds pie Tuesday as Mum had more time
And if any left it would be soup Wednesday maybe with dumplings added.

Edited by nauru at 7:12 pm, Tue 4 Jun

nauru - 2019-06-04 19:04:00
campmum wrote:

found this...
Hot on Sunday,
Cold on Monday,
Hashed on Tuesday,
Minced on Wednesday,
Curried on Thursday,
Broth on Friday,
Cottage Pie on Saturday.

From Dorothy Hartley, Food in England, 1954

yes, this is the one I was thinking of. Thankyou

Edited by bambam at 11:06 am, Fri 7 Jun

bambam - 2019-06-07 11:05:00
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