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Apple Crumble.


Just wondering what is a good crumble to use.

joyfuljoybell - 2019-05-29 11:45:00

Cut up fruit in bottom of the dish, add about 2 tbs water.
rub 125g butter into 1 cup flour
add 2 tsp baking powder, 1 cup brown sugar
3tbs coconut, sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg
mix well and sprinkle over fruit
cook 170* 30 minutes.
This works with any fruit, but is really good with rhubarb

articferrit - 2019-05-29 12:39:00

The member deleted this message.

joyfuljoybell - 2019-05-29 18:26:00

Thank you.

joyfuljoybell - 2019-05-29 18:27:00

I like this one, love the crunch the almonds give it.
1/3c flour. 1/2c brown sugar. 1/2c rolled oats. 1/4c ground almonds. 1/2tsp cinnamon. 75g butter, melted. 1/4c sliced almonds.
Mix all together, Press down on top of fruit. Sprinkle more almonds over the top. 180'C 25-30 mins.
I cook my apples first, just until they have lost their 'rawness', taste to see if any sugar is needed, throw in a good handful of grapes ( discovered how good this is by accident, when trying to use up some grapes)

wheelz - 2019-05-29 19:20:00

Lemon rind added to the cooked apples is nice, and definitely the rolled oats in the crumble.

linette1 - 2019-05-29 19:39:00

This recipe online looked super yummy. I'm making it this weekend.

bruceakld - 2019-05-29 19:58:00

don't have a recipe …
but crumble mix goes something like this … and never had a fail
ok so yo need to think of your dish/bowl and the amount of apple (or other fruit or fruit combination)
take a lump of butter and dice (ok so maybe around 100 grm as a start)
melt in micro wave
add brown sugar so its sorta 'goopy'
grab cornflakes (can use any other cereal) by the handful and crush in
stir … don't let it be too dry
cos you want to use as much flour as necessary to make it crumbly

ok trying to write/type that was way worse than trying to say/explain it
but it is a 'feel' thing
and that seems to work or make sense when you give it a go (so say mates)
we do our own apples or peaches and both we keep a tad tart as we use em either on pork (savory) or crumble
… cos the crumble is bloody good and easy
…(note) … we take apple crumble to family dinners (it is expected) and will take an icecream container of apple and 1 of crumble mix
…. found if we made it then travelled an hour or more … socialised … then cooked it … IT WAS SOGGY
but so easy to take 2 components and just do it

pheonix4 - 2019-05-29 22:00:00

My mix for fruit crumble - from far away days as cook in a couple of rest homes.

FRUIT CRUMBLE TOPPING (rather like a light pastry)
I call this mixture the 2-4-6 trick as it is based on set proportions.

200 gm butter 400 gm sugar 600 gm flour

Combine the flour and sugar and rub the butter into the other 2 ingredients until the topping is like breadcrumbs. Sprinkle over hot fruit, bake until set and very lightly golden.

This mixture freezes well so I often make a larger quantity and freeze the rest to add to fruit for an "emergency" pudding. The following quantity will make a pudding in a roasting dish for a crowd, or make one tonight and freeze the rest for up to 2 months.

400 gm butter 800 gm sugar 1.2 kgs flour

Enjoy with pouring cream and a scoop of vanilla icecream....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-29 23:03:00

I use 1 cup rolled oats, 1 cup self raising flour, 1 cup brown sugar ( I use about 2/3 - 3/4 cup but you can use a full cup), 150g butter approximately. I like ground cinnamon but this is optional or any other spice you prefer. Melt butter, and mix all together. Sprinkle on top and bake. Crumble takes about 40 minutes in my oven.

marcs - 2019-05-30 01:30:00
marcs wrote:

I use 1 cup rolled oats, 1 cup self raising flour, 1 cup brown sugar ( I use about 2/3 - 3/4 cup but you can use a full cup), 150g butter approximately. I like ground cinnamon but this is optional or any other spice you prefer. Melt butter, and mix all together. Sprinkle on top and bake. Crumble takes about 40 minutes in my oven.

Marcs thank you for yr crumble recipe, it’s absolutely delicious. I was looking for a new crumble and tried yrs last night over rhubarb/apple, so so good. It’s now our new favourite!

strowan1 - 2019-06-02 08:13:00

Thank you everyone. Plenty to try

joyfuljoybell - 2019-06-04 11:54:00
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