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Kamo Kamo


Have just been to local vegy shop and they have kamo kamo, as huge as a football(true)..3 for $5.
What do you do with them, how do you cook them, and what do they taste like. Never had one

korbo - 2019-05-28 15:31:00

quite strong and sometimes stringy,not a fan of the old mature ones but I used to give all the ones that had hidden in the grass or got too old for use to an old asian friend who used to make soup with them and couldn`t get enough.I never tried her soup so can`t say what it tasted like?

les6 - 2019-05-28 20:09:00

Only time ive had one i Cut it in half lengthwise scooped out the centre.
Make filling of diced onion, diced capsicum, few chopped mushrooms, diced tomato, tomato paste, soften in a pan, add some cooked rice fill the kamos sprinkle with breadcrumbs and some grated cheese, bake in oven till cooked, and top is nice golden brown. Slice serve with a green salad.

fifie - 2019-05-28 21:14:00
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