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Tangelo and plum jam recipe?


I bought this jam at an op shop and it was absolutely delicious! It was a lovely golden colour.
Does anyone have a recipe please?

sue62 - 2019-05-26 19:24:00

Since it's been quite awhile that plums and tangelos were in season...I'm wondering if some one went through their jam supply, emptied the two jams into a pot and reheated and bottled.
It's not two flavours I would have thought went well together.

Edited by wheelz at 8:10 am, Mon 27 May

wheelz - 2019-05-27 08:08:00

You could try orange and plum jam (link below) or even mandarins instead of tangeloes. I have used orange juice with plums in a jam before and it was really nice. Can't remember the recipe that I used but the this one looks easy.

nauru - 2019-05-27 09:45:00

Thank you for these replies

sue62 - 2019-05-27 20:49:00
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