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Ancestry site


I find it a difficult site to navigate does anyone else. A lot of info is incorrect also but if you can work out the correct stuff it is good.

frances1266 - 2019-05-26 10:38:00

I've been a member for years and never had a problem. I think it's one of the best genealogy sites out and more and more records are becoming available each year making research even better.

Could you give an example of the problems you are having? If you want to put up some names, dates and details of your search I'd be happy to help.

daisy86 - 2019-05-26 11:22:00
frances1266 wrote:

I find it a difficult site to navigate does anyone else. A lot of info is incorrect also but if you can work out the correct stuff it is good.

sounds like your new to Ancestry, I find the best way to search is use the home page search, click on show more options so you can add more information and from that you can untick all boxes except Historical Records and also choose the country your wanting to search.

crab2 - 2019-05-26 18:49:00

This message was deleted.

mixel - 2019-05-26 19:41:00

I found the first week I had heaps of contact messages but nothing since, things disappear on me, it is the most infuriating site.

frances1266 - 2019-06-06 15:18:00
crab2 wrote:

sounds like your new to Ancestry, I find the best way to search is use the home page search, click on show more options so you can add more information and from that you can untick all boxes except Historical Records and also choose the country your wanting to search.

Talking about those choices for Ancestry, is is safer/more useful to have full control of your own data, or to have a manager. What is lost without a manager and what is gained with one?

blackhalls - 2019-06-08 14:19:00
blackhalls wrote:

Talking about those choices for Ancestry, is is safer/more useful to have full control of your own data, or to have a manager. What is lost without a manager and what is gained with one?

Keep control of your own data, if sharing a Family tree with others only have them as a guest so they cannot alter the information you have found, if they feel it is wrong they can let you know and point you to where they think is the right information, you can also choose to have your Tree completely private and not be found in searches so only you and your invited guests can see.

crab2 - 2019-06-08 17:36:00

How can you get information changed ie people not belonging to that family and people born in different countries. I don't want to join ancestry or any of the others and the Managers don't seem to want to answer either Thanks for any help.

tandy - 2019-06-08 22:17:00
crab2 wrote:

Keep control of your own data, if sharing a Family tree with others only have them as a guest so they cannot alter the information you have found, if they feel it is wrong they can let you know and point you to where they think is the right information, you can also choose to have your Tree completely private and not be found in searches so only you and your invited guests can see.

Good advice.

blackhalls - 2019-06-08 22:47:00
blackhalls wrote:

Good advice.

Thank you

crab2 - 2019-06-09 10:59:00
tandy wrote:

How can you get information changed ie people not belonging to that family and people born in different countries. I don't want to join ancestry or any of the others and the Managers don't seem to want to answer either Thanks for any help.

Only people who have been invited to view the tree if they are made so they can edit which I strongly advise not to otherwise there are arguments on who takes the credit for making the tree, there are so many trees on Ancestry that are just copied from one to another that no one knows for sure where it all started and also why I suggest keeping your own tree completely private and not be able to be searched but also have a your own tree on a Family Tree software on your laptop with photo's and any other document that other's cannot take copies off as it is you who has coughed up the $$$ to get them

Just my thoughts

crab2 - 2019-06-09 11:04:00

Fed up with the DNA ads that are always appearing. So annoying. Have paid for Anc. genealogy not DNA.

frances1266 - 2019-06-09 12:49:00

We are all different. I love ancestry, but dont like Find My Past. Ancestry got expensive so I joined My Heritage because lots were raving about it. Their DNA matching is good, but the rest of it I cant stand and I have gone back to ancestry. I think some on ancestry build their family trees on hints and indexes. This could be a cost factor in the price of source documents.

landylass - 2019-06-12 11:27:00

Thank-you for the help. It just annoys me when I see my Mother being born in another country when I have her birth cert. and then my Father having another sibling when he had none. So I will just leave them thinking they have it right. It doesn,t help when they are related.

tandy - 2019-06-19 11:02:00

If I notice mistakes on other trees, I write to the people and point out their errors. All but one have been happy to make corrections.

bevap1 - 2019-06-19 11:31:00

This sort of thing is not limited to Ancestry. I recently found my mothers family listed in another tree on MyHeritage. I was interested that in the process my mother had acquired another sibling who linked my family to this tree. Unfortunately this new sibling was born 100 years earlier than my mother and more than 70 years before her supposed mother and father.

mungojerrie - 2019-06-19 13:09:00

I'm curious about the "Managed by" that I often see on trees of interest. ie When or why would someone manage a tree as opposed to owning it? If I try to answer that myself, I would assume it's someone looking after a tree for a friend perhaps, but in that case why not just create the tree in that persons name? Or are there professional genealogists who manage trees for a fee? I'm sure there are but they don't have any skin in the game so to speak. Sure their accuracy and skill may be high but would they have the passion of someone researching their own lineage?

cookee_nz - 2019-06-23 13:58:00

"Managed by" usually related to DNA results - people who aren't interested in genealogy but eventually succumb to their daughter's pleading to do a DNA test ("for you dear anything"). It means the messages come to you and not the uninterested person.

But lots of people share trees to allow access to private trees or to share research on a common branch. I'm currently helping a friend with her tree. I don't want to own it because it's not mine, but having access to it makes things easier.

rednicnz - 2019-06-24 11:42:00

I manage two sets of DNA, one for elderly non-computer Aunt who was very keen to do DNA and loves the paper charts I create for her, the other is husband's Aunt who is deceased (she was a keen genealogist in her day and did her DNA test about a year before she died). Also have viewing rights to a couple other tests where I am assisting people with their non-paternal research. With one of these I have permission to write to other DNA matches on the person's behalf - sometimes it helps to have a intermediary in these situations.

catsmeat1 - 2019-06-24 16:20:00
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