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Strawberry Cupcakes


Has anyone made these? I have bought tinned strawberries and I am going to tip the juice out and whiz the fruit. I have a recipe from Chelsea Sugar that looks good.
Need to know if there are any pitfalls I should beware of, as I can't seem to find strawberry flavouring where I live. TIA.

lyndunc - 2019-05-22 17:24:00

lyndunc, I haven't done this myself but our grandson wanted a Strawberry Cake for his birthday so our daughter very successfully (so I was told) flavoured it with:-

As an alternative recipe you might like to try.....
From the former Trade Me Cooks:
1 whole orange, washed and processed to a pulp, 125gr melted butter, 1 cup sugar 2 med-lge eggs, 1 1/2 cups self-raising flour. YES, ITS AS EASY AS IT LOOKS! If you have a food processor, just throw everything in together and mix till all combined. Now, I don't have a FP so I did it the old-fashioned way (LOL) Mix together the melted butter and sugar, add egg then orange pulp. Stir to combine then fold in sifted SR flour. Pour into lined loaf tin and bake at 180C for approx 35-40 mins or ready when tested with skewer. I doubled this recipe - it made a lovely ring tin cake which I iced with orange icing and also a loaf which I left plain. Such an economical recipe! Couldn't believe how yummy such a simple recipe could be. I don't have a Food processor... But I think I'd just cut the orange it into 1/4's first - peel n all, then pulp it first before adding the rest of the ingredients. I have this handy little blender thingy that holds about a 3 Cup capacity and find it so handy. Just press down on the lid for about 20 secs and it breaks up chocolate, pulps fruit and crushes up biscuits. Any orange will be fine... Med to large size. I just cut it into 1/4's - peel, pips and all and process it until it becomes a pulpy mess, lol!
posted by smiley_cherub

Magical orange Cake Tips and Tricks
Strawberry and choc chip
I used the basic recipe and add a 1/2 cup choc chips and a cup of chopped strawberries that I folded through. I added a 1/2 cup milk to replace the orange juice from the fruit. The children have already demolished 1/2 the cake.
posted by kennymac

The tinned strawberry and chocolate chip combination was excellent! (Ta, Kennymac) Just remember to drain all the liquid from the tin and roughly chop the strawberries before proceeding with the recipe. Also added handful each of coconut and chocolate chips, plus I sprinkled the top with more coconut before baking. I have a mini loaf tray so baked the mixture in those. (Makes 6) Have to say, they looked SO gorgeous, very cafe/deli-like, so I must remember to bake them like that when I want to give a foodie gift.
posted by smileycherub"

Hope that helps. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 9:07 pm, Wed 22 May

245sam - 2019-05-22 21:06:00

Thank you so much 245sam, extremely helpful. The strawberry powder sounds an excellent idea, it never came up when I searched although I searched for strawberry flavour! I will try my tinned strawberries and let you know how I get on. Appreciate the time it took to post the information - cheers!

lyndunc - 2019-05-23 09:59:00

Well, made a batch of mini cupcakes and they are ok, but probably won't do them again, I have made raspberry ones with flavouring and they were much nicer. Although to be fair, it said 1.75 cups of strawberry puree and I only had .75 so that would have made a difference. Will ice them with chocolate icing and then give them away as planned and they should be fine.

lyndunc - 2019-05-23 14:56:00
lyndunc wrote:

Thank you so much 245sam, extremely helpful. The strawberry powder sounds an excellent idea, it never came up when I searched although I searched for strawberry flavour! I will try my tinned strawberries and let you know how I get on. Appreciate the time it took to post the information - cheers!

I actually don't like using strawberries in baking like cakes as I find the flavour gets lost. Raspberries or any other berries work well however strawberries pair well with other things like rhubarb. I would actually make strawberry jam, hollow out the cupcakes and put some in the middle. You can use strawberry pulp to make icing. It will give it a nice colour but not much flavour. Unsure how flavourful freeze dried strawberries are.

marcs - 2019-05-23 22:45:00

Thought I might post this for you.

marcs - 2019-05-26 01:32:00
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