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Leek and potatoe soup. Has anyone got a plainish and simple recipe they could share please?

cookiebarrel - 2019-05-20 02:19:00

Try these

petal1955 - 2019-05-20 07:05:00

Google "leek and potato soup recipes". There are pages of recipes to choose from. Hope you find one that you like. There are also several threads on here if you search in all topics over the last year.

Edited by nauru at 6:32 pm, Mon 20 May

nauru - 2019-05-20 18:30:00

Just chop 2-3 onions and place in a large pot with a tbsp of butter (or marg) and sweat till soft. Add 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 sticks chopped celery and cook for a few minutes then add the chopped washed 3-4 leeks. Then 4 diced potatoes, and cover with water. In a small bowl 2tsp chicken stock pdr, 1tsp green stock pdr (opt), salt and pepper and 2 tsp sugar (v. important). Mix with some boiling water and add to pot. Simmer till tender then I just whizz it till smooth. Add milk or cream as desired and test for seasonings. Quick and easy and very popular here. You could add bacon if you like.

crazynana - 2019-05-20 21:16:00
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