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Is this the future of food?


At the end of a show which includes decorative ceramics glazed with evaporated human urine, serving bowls made from used toilet paper and a comté cheese cultured by bacteria in Heston Blumenthal’s pubic hair, the V&A is offering its visitors canapés.

And they are tasty. Who knew a mould discovered in the soil of Harlow would go so well with tomatoes too ugly for shops and restaurants?

The V&A will open a major exhibition on Saturday exploring the story of food and how people are reinventing how we grow, distribute and experience it.

The museum’s director, Tristram Hunt, said the V&A wanted to take visitors on “a sensory journey through the food cycle” from compost to table.

The show, which is three years in the planning, includes things the museum has never done before, including asking celebrities for their bacteria. “I did let down the curators,” Hunt admitted. “In the end I couldn’t face signing the letter to David Attenborough saying: ‘Can we make cheese with your feet?’ I felt it was not suitably respectful of a national treasure.”


uli - 2019-05-16 19:08:00

...There was no such queasiness about getting samples from the pubic hair of Blumenthal for a comté, or the belly button of Professor Green for a mozzarella, or the nose of Guardian columnist Ruby Tandoh for a stilton, and the cheeses will quietly develop in front of visitors...

...They include the designer Carolien Niebling, whose project explores sausages, asking what they might look like in the future; Nienke Hoogvliet, whose Waterschatten range of products is made from reclaimed used toilet paper; and Sinae Kim, who has created human bladder-shaped vessels glazed with some of the 280 litres of human urine she collected over five months.
Her aim is to show that urine can be a sustainable alternative to the metal oxide glazes commonly used in the ceramics industry...

uli - 2019-05-16 19:10:00

The artist Laura Wilson’s project is about Veda bread, a dark brown savoury malt loaf which lights up the faces of people from Northern Ireland but leaves others generally baffled.

The bread was invented 100 years ago by a Scotsman and it became popular all over the UK because it was nutritious and had a long shelf life. Today it can only be found in Northern Ireland and Wilson, with a new recipe, is on a mission to popularise it more widely, working with a network of bakeries and galleries.

uli - 2019-05-16 19:11:00

So post your own recipes!

uli - 2019-05-16 19:12:00

I'll pass, thanks.....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-16 19:50:00

That's pass on the passing, to gain ingredients....
Pass in the experimenting to develop a recipe....
Darn, might even pass out at the thought....

autumnwinds - 2019-05-16 19:52:00

The recipe for the Veda bread looks interesting. I wonder if roasted barley malt flour and nut brown malt flour can be sourced in NZ. When I get some time maybe I'll see if I can find those particular ingredients and give it a go.

buzzy110 - 2019-05-17 09:39:00
autumnwinds wrote:

I'll pass, thanks.....

Me too.
Sounds a load of faeces to me.

samanya - 2019-05-17 12:17:00
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