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Beef after 3 years


I have just done a very long overdue clean out of my deep freeze and have found silverside, sausages, and a roast, all from home kill, would be 3 years old, would it still be ok after this long?

bubbles22222 - 2019-05-15 10:09:00

I would say yes.....nothing wrong with it...but then there is the "Freezer Police" who will tell you to chuck it out.......

petal1955 - 2019-05-15 10:38:00

It will be OK to eat like petal said

rainrain1 - 2019-05-15 10:44:00

I would eat it.
As I understand it - the meat may have lost some of its nutritional value - but it can't go off.
If it has been vacuum packed - I can't see there would be anything wrong.
If not - you might have to cut off a bit of freezer burn because that does become tough.
Enjoy :-)

jallen2 - 2019-05-15 10:55:00

I would certainly eat it.

lilyfield - 2019-05-15 11:53:00

With the price of meat it probably has increased in value LOL

jan2242 - 2019-05-15 11:54:00

She'll be right. Drown it in gravy or a curry if you're concerned

patxyz - 2019-05-15 12:16:00

I've just pre cooked the sausages and hmmm rather tainted, either the freezer smell or of the plastic wrap...

bubbles22222 - 2019-05-15 12:42:00

If the sausages smell of 'freezer' after pre cooking, i probably wouldnt eat them, but I would 'trim' the silverside and roast and cook it with something flavourful. I wont tell you how old this years xmas ham was, but they all loved it, and I didnt tell anyone it was a bonus find from the depths of the freezer.

articferrit - 2019-05-15 14:00:00
articferrit wrote:

If the sausages smell of 'freezer' after pre cooking, i probably wouldnt eat them, but I would 'trim' the silverside and roast and cook it with something flavourful. I wont tell you how old this years xmas ham was, but they all loved it, and I didnt tell anyone it was a bonus find from the depths of the freezer.

lol re your xmas ham... definitely not eating the sausages and silverside is currently cooking, will see what its like when finished....

bubbles22222 - 2019-05-15 14:08:00
bubbles22222 wrote:

lol re your xmas ham... definitely not eating the sausages and silverside is currently cooking, will see what its like when finished....

you can slit the casings off frozen sausages (I saw yours were precooked, so that wouldn't work for you, but you might find more...) and use them with some mince to make a meatloaf.

In fact, I use "proper" sausages for making meatloaves now, rather than use the pallid, bones-bread-and-other-bits stuff in the "sausagement packets.

autumnwinds - 2019-05-15 14:33:00
autumnwinds wrote:

you can slit the casings off frozen sausages (I saw yours were precooked, so that wouldn't work for you, but you might find more...) and use them with some mince to make a meatloaf.

In fact, I use "proper" sausages for making meatloaves now, rather than use the pallid, bones-bread-and-other-bits stuff in the "sausagement packets.

I would love your meatloaf recipe

bubbles22222 - 2019-05-15 15:27:00

yes no problem having done it myself

ethel5 - 2019-05-15 15:54:00
bubbles22222 wrote:

I would love your meatloaf recipe

My pleasure.....
Used to have this occasionally for staff meals when I had my own restaurant... so many people heard about it, it occasionally went on the menu! Very easy to double or quadruple... but, as above, I now replace the tube of sausage meat with an equal quantity ( 1 kg) of "proper" sausages (sometimes a mix of flavours/types of meat, all bought on special, of course - it's my Scottish ancestry...)

This makes 2 loaf-tin sized or one large foil wrapped loaf - perfect for picnics or buffet dinners, and very good for sandwiches. A very tasty budget recipe.

1 large cups fresh breadcrumb (I like to use wholemeal or rye)
3 oxo beef cubes
1 cup milk
.5 teaspn pepper
1 egg
.25 teaspn ground cloves
1 kg mince
.25 teaspn nutmeg
1 kg sausage meat
1 teaspn salt
1 stick celery (finely chopped or grated)
1 teaspn worcestershire sauce
1 finely chopped large onion
pinch dried mixed herbs
grated zest/rind of 1 lemon

Crumble oxo cubes into crumbs in large bowl, add milk, spices, lemon rind and leave to soak for half an hour. Mix in rest of ingredients, bake in two greased loaf tins (or roll in foil for one large loaf), bake for just over an hour at 180 C (350 F). Can be served sliced hot, or cool quickly and leave in fridge until required.

Edited by autumnwinds at 5:22 pm, Wed 15 May

autumnwinds - 2019-05-15 17:19:00
jan2242 wrote:

With the price of meat it probably has increased in value LOL


rainrain1 - 2019-05-15 17:22:00

crock pot with lots of spices,herbs etc

aaron235 - 2019-05-15 17:30:00
bubbles22222 wrote:

I have just done a very long overdue clean out of my deep freeze and have found silverside, sausages, and a roast, all from home kill, would be 3 years old, would it still be ok after this long?

Silverside and roast should be good. Sausages (if it is the NZ kind with added mutton fat, soybeans, colourings, flavourings and preservatives etc - I would feed to the dog - if it eats them) because the fat would be rancid.

It also depends how cool you run your deep freeze. The usual temp is minus 18 degrees. Many run at only 12 which is not enough if you have pork or mutton in there as the fat gets rancid even when frozen.

Mine run at minus 25 to minus 30 (depending on sunlight) and I just had a duck which I found at the bottom who was from 2012 and it roasted beautiful and no rancid taste in the fat at all. So temp is important. Invest in a thermometer.

uli - 2019-05-16 17:36:00

I would say NO! It would be a waste of power to cook then throw out the, found after three year meat. It will taste just like a dirty old freezer.

pickles7 - 2019-05-20 11:20:00
pickles7 wrote:

I would say NO! It would be a waste of power to cook then throw out the, found after three year meat. It will taste just like a dirty old freezer.

Depends if you have a dirty old freezer, or a clean old freezer I guess...

rainrain1 - 2019-05-20 12:14:00
rainrain1 wrote:

Depends if you have a dirty old freezer, or a clean old freezer I guess...

And there is that ... :)

uli - 2019-05-27 17:08:00
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