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Benefits of joining NZSG?


I've never had a membership but am thinking about it. I'm interested to know what the benefits would be.

Do they have access to many overseas journals?

Many thanks.

4pc - 2019-05-13 15:37:00

Take a peek at this link -

ironthrone990 - 2019-05-13 17:40:00

They should put their Kiwi Collection online for members to search and not make them buy it after joining.

aaronat - 2019-05-13 19:39:00

I also looked at joining a couple of days ago, so will watch with interest for replies.

koru67 - 2019-05-13 21:06:00

This message was deleted.

mixel - 2019-05-13 22:11:00

More advantages if you live in Auckland, having access to the centre.

amasser - 2019-05-14 10:56:00
amasser wrote:

More advantages if you live in Auckland, having access to the centre.


I was a member for a few years and got nothing out of it other than being able to purchase the Kiwi Index, I have heard they are going to be putting the Kiwi Index on their website only for members to use which means you have to pay $91 just to access that, seems to me that as alot of info is now being added to Ancestry and Findmypast it would be better to find a sub that is at a special price.

As for gaining access to the Gale site you can get that if you belong to a library

Edited by crab2 at 9:41 pm, Tue 14 May

crab2 - 2019-05-14 21:39:00

I was a member, but saw the light! bought many of their CDS.... still unused.. but did enjoy their magazine. came out the other year, found the subscription a bit high for me... and another reason was being told off for something I never did, no apology so pulled out... I did not share anything on one of their CDS to a member of the public, what I have at home are mine, bought my me for my use no one else.. so they lost me.

neich - 2019-05-15 08:20:00

I have been a member a couple of times. For the price i don't think it is worth it. In this day and age info they have should be more readily available online as part of one's membership.e.g certificate collection
Having to snail mail for certain info is ridiculous. I am not likely to rejoin.

kiwicarol - 2019-05-15 08:47:00

Really depends on what stage your research is. Like others I have been a member a couple of times. I didn't renew it a couple of years ago because I just didn't use their resources. Ancestry has been more help at the stage my research is.

kiwiwendy - 2019-05-15 09:09:00

I find free access to the digitised files on Discovery (UK National Archives) pays for my membership each year. I'm often trawling through the wills to find connections and can easily get through a dozen or two in a night. These are also on Ancestry, but I like the one pdf file rather than a series of images! And the Discovery search results have more information!

The Certificate Collection is offline because of copyright constraints. I believe the Board are currently having conversations with DIA about this, but they have to follow the law as it currently stands (despite it all being a bit silly!).

Joining a Branch can be worthwhile if there's one nearby. You don't need to be a member of the national organisation for that. And you get to meet real live people and have a social outing!

rednicnz - 2019-05-15 14:41:00

I was a member from the early 80's but dropped it. Its ok if you live in Auckland and get to the research centre. Two years in a row I paid a sub, but couldnt access anything online, so that was it for me. Got much more benefit out of joining overseas family history societies in the areas of my research. Of late I have joined several facebook groups in overseas countries and have had great success.

landylass - 2019-05-18 22:27:00

Thank you for all your helpful replies.

It doesn't sound as if it would be worth my while even though I'm in Auckland although I'm curious about Deceased Online and ScotlandsPeople - are they still the same price to access at the FRC as at home?

What is the First Families Collection please?

4pc - 2019-05-25 15:37:00
4pc wrote:

What is the First Families Collection please?

Some background from the NZSG Kiwi Collection:
The first Families Collection was formed by the New Zealand Society of
Genealogists in 1973 for members to submit information about their New
Zealand First Families.

The collection enables members to contact each other where common
research is being undertaken and also helps to preserve copies of
members' research in a basic form.

stock - 2019-05-25 17:31:00
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