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chips or wedges, air fryer vs oven fan bake


is there any difference?

babyluthi - 2019-05-12 14:26:00

yep. Oven already exists, air fryer, you've made money for an unnecessary item.

lythande1 - 2019-05-12 14:53:00

Can't compare with a fan bake oven but air fryer chips etc. and anything else too are great and much crisper than cooking in the oven. Most impressed with my one from TWH which is used most days for all sorts of things. Not used my oven since buying it a few weeks ago. Initially, I did think it was an unneccessary item and put off buying one but I'm so glad now I got mine. There is an airfryer thread on here at the moment.

nauru - 2019-05-12 15:13:00

I found that my air fryer was a wonderful investment. Holy moly chips made from scratch and cooked in the AF are good.

Edited by malcovy at 3:23 pm, Sun 12 May

malcovy - 2019-05-12 15:22:00

Oh thanks:)

babyluthi - 2019-05-12 18:08:00

Chips in the air fryer are great!

razell - 2019-05-12 19:08:00

Chips in oven: extremely mediocre at the very best. Chips in air fryer: absolutely perfect in every way and far less power use.

norse_westie - 2019-05-15 17:22:00

The member deleted this message.

cleggyboy - 2019-05-15 18:35:00

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cleggyboy - 2019-05-15 18:36:00
lythande1 wrote:

yep. Oven already exists, air fryer, you've made money for an unnecessary item.

Rubbish, the oven uses much more power and especially for small amounts an airfryer is certainly more economical. When a young teenager said his chips and nuggets done in the airfryer were better than bought or done in the oven ones, I knew I was onto a winner with my purchase. He was right too, much nicer.

kacy5 - 2019-05-16 00:52:00

Much better and quicker in the air fryer

gshj - 2019-05-16 08:50:00

Try chicken nibbles in it with a little rock salt standard 32 minutes to cook or add 5 - 10 minutes for much more crisp

jack2molly - 2019-05-16 16:18:00

I normally cook chicken wings in the AF for the same reason jack2molly because they are good. That's part of our meal tonight. What I do is use 1 tbspn each of plain salt and sugar dissolved in water and then brine the wings for about 12 hours. Just a wee bit of oil on wings before cooking.

malcovy - 2019-05-17 14:45:00
malcovy wrote:

I normally cook chicken wings in the AF for the same reason jack2molly because they are good. That's part of our meal tonight. What I do is use 1 tbspn each of plain salt and sugar dissolved in water and then brine the wings for about 12 hours. Just a wee bit of oil on wings before cooking.

Which make of AF do you have?

saegan - 2019-05-17 16:24:00

The one from Kmart. Would you like brand name?

malcovy - 2019-05-17 16:34:00
malcovy wrote:

The one from Kmart. Would you like brand name?


saegan - 2019-05-17 17:39:00
gshj wrote:

Much better and quicker in the air fryer

Had them last night with fush and chups.
Amazing what my wee $59 one from TWH can do..
and plenty for the 2 of us.
And Waaaaay less fat.

autumnwinds - 2019-05-17 18:58:00
saegan wrote:


Probably this ?

timturtle - 2019-05-17 19:52:00

I have a Turbo Cooker. I can bake cakes and do a whole roast chicken with veges around it. Can you do the same with an air fryer. I love my turbo cook but tossing up between a turbo cook and airfryer for a gift.

viking60 - 2019-05-18 13:03:00

when cooking chips, are you all talking about the chips you buy from supermarket in bags. NOT home made cut potato chips?
Could you do crumbed fresh fish?
Could you do crumbed bought fish,
think I need one......

korbo - 2019-05-18 16:52:00
saegan wrote:

Which make of AF do you have?

....why do you brine the chicken wings, and what is the benefit of doing so. thaanks

korbo - 2019-05-18 16:53:00

I would never brine a good quality organic chicken as the meat is delicious. I brine supermarket cheap chicken as it improves the taste and texture. A brined chicken breast when cooked in a normal way is still succulent and tender. The salt draws out a lot of moisture and leaves a slight saltiness, its called osmosis.

malcovy - 2019-05-18 19:12:00
korbo wrote:

when cooking chips, are you all talking about the chips you buy from supermarket in bags. NOT home made cut potato chips?
Could you do crumbed fresh fish?
Could you do crumbed bought fish,
think I need one......

Korbo, I've done both frozen and homemade chips and wedges etc. Also frozen crumbed and homecrumbed fresh fish. Both have turned out well, much better than the oven. I made crumbed cauliflower the other day which was really nice and I've also tried homemade onion rings. All cooked beautifully so I'm AF hooked. Baked jacket potatoes are amazing cooked in the AF too, crispy skins and fluffy inside.

Edited by nauru at 7:36 pm, Sat 18 May

nauru - 2019-05-18 19:32:00
korbo wrote:

when cooking chips, are you all talking about the chips you buy from supermarket in bags. NOT home made cut potato chips?
Could you do crumbed fresh fish?
Could you do crumbed bought fish,
think I need one......

You should be able to do all of the above pretty well.

We usually do frozen potato chips, just throw them in and go for 10 mins, shake them around, then another 10.
Home made kumara chips, coat them with a little oil and some cajun seasoning, and then the same cooking routine.
Stuff like frozen crumbed fish. just use the Fan Oven instructions and they come out good.

Another thing ours gets used for is reheating frozen mince pies. Pull them from the freezer, 2 mins in the microwave and they are defrosted and warm, but a bit soggy. But another 5 mins in the air dryer has them hot with crispy pastry. OK, it's not a lunch of champions, but some days you just need a pie. :D

Anyway it has prime position on our bench of benchtop appliance because it gets used regularly.

ianab - 2019-05-18 21:36:00
nauru wrote:

Korbo, I've done both frozen and homemade chips and wedges etc. Also frozen crumbed and homecrumbed fresh fish. Both have turned out well, much better than the oven. I made crumbed cauliflower the other day which was really nice and I've also tried homemade onion rings. All cooked beautifully so I'm AF hooked. Baked jacket potatoes are amazing cooked in the AF too, crispy skins and fluffy inside.

,...what brand fryer have you got.....

korbo - 2019-05-19 11:30:00
malcovy wrote:

I would never brine a good quality organic chicken as the meat is delicious. I brine supermarket cheap chicken as it improves the taste and texture. A brined chicken breast when cooked in a normal way is still succulent and tender. The salt draws out a lot of moisture and leaves a slight saltiness, its called osmosis.

You still haven't told me which Air Fryer you got.

saegan - 2019-05-19 13:17:00

My apologies. My one is the same as the link Timturtle gave. The brand name is Anko, the cost was $79.

malcovy - 2019-05-19 13:37:00
korbo wrote:

,...what brand fryer have you got.....

A cheapy one from TWH, think it was $59. I thought the cheapy one the way to go as I wanted to see if we liked the concept of AF cooking so didn't want to spend mega $$$ on an appliance I might not like using. We do and find our AF is great for the two of us.

Edited by nauru at 7:07 pm, Sun 19 May

nauru - 2019-05-19 19:00:00
korbo wrote:

when cooking chips, are you all talking about the chips you buy from supermarket in bags. NOT home made cut potato chips?
Could you do crumbed fresh fish?
Could you do crumbed bought fish,
think I need one......

I've done both. Roast potatoes are freaking perfect every time: add a teaspoon of coconut oil. OMG its never been so easy or so perfect to get perfect roast spuds. And kumara. And pumpkin. And carrots. And parsnips.

I have a kitchenaid that I love. however my halo air fryer is probably the most used and adored item in my entire house. Including the dishwasher.

norse_westie - 2019-05-19 21:49:00

First time using an Air Fryer tonight & want to do roast potatoes & chicken breasts. Helpful tips please

kassie48 - 2019-07-16 16:36:00
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