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Birth records


Hi I have copies of birth record for a birth in Scotland. The birth was registered in two districts in the burgh of Aberdeen, both on the same day and signed off by two different registrars. Why would it be registered twice??
Thanks in advance. Cheers

captaingraham - 2019-05-06 10:53:00

From Scotlands People:

"Between 1855-1934, if a child was born outside its parents’ registration district, there were sometimes two index entries for a birth,
Some children’s births were recorded both in the district where they were born and then later transcribed into the parents’ home district.
If you order a birth certificates in cases where this has happened, you’ll receive the version from the original entry, not the transcribed version."

marymc - 2019-05-06 10:56:00

Also from Scotlands People, saying more or less the same thing:

Transcribed entries
You sometimes find two index entries for a birth. This applies from 1855 to 1934 when a child was born outside the registration district of their parents’ usual residence. The birth was registered in the district where the child was born. The registrar then sent a copy to the registrar of the district where the parents lived. The details were transcribed into that register. Both entries are indexed. If you order a birth certificate it will be from the original, not the transcribed register entry."

marymc - 2019-05-06 10:59:00

Thanks for that. I have been trawling through records all weekend and never came across any explanation for the doubleup. A bit of brain fade did not help.

captaingraham - 2019-05-06 13:48:00

Did this apply to marriages also and in England?

amasser - 2019-05-25 14:41:00
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