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Ancestry DNA Weird results


I have serious doubts about some of the Ancestry results. My half-brother and I both did the Ancestry tests - the results show that we are first cousins!!! But our birth certificates show that we have the same mother!! What we were looking for is to see if we have the same father - we are both adopted. Any one any clues about how this can happen.

annie_kiwi - 2019-05-02 15:07:00

How many cms do you share, that gives you an indication of how close you are. Does it say you are close family-1st cousins.?

chookygirl - 2019-05-02 15:58:00

it says we are first cousins but as we both have the same mother I think there is something seriously wrong with their testing!!!

annie_kiwi - 2019-05-02 16:47:00

Does it say you are definitely first cousins or just that this is likely? I believe we all inherit half our mother's dna but unless we are one of identical twins, it won't be the 'same' half.

The shared dna between first cousins may not be very different from the shared dna between half siblings.

venna2 - 2019-05-02 16:53:00

Ancestry makes up the categories based on the centiMorgans (cM), but it can be wrong (and often is!). The important part is the number of centiMorgans. Have you put that number into the Shared cM Tool to see what it says?
DNA matches are a range - half siblings would expect to share between 1317 and 2312 cM.

rednicnz - 2019-05-02 17:30:00

This message was deleted.

mixel - 2019-05-02 17:37:00

The relationship prediction is based on how much DNA you share with the other person. If you were full siblings, Ancestry DNA would NOT label you as 1st cousins.

1st cousins share slightly less DNA than half siblings, and sometimes the Ancestry program can't distinguish between the two. It sounds like the two of you share less than the average amount of DNA for half siblings, so that's why Ancestry has predicted you're 1st cousins.

This thread should help explain it

ed65 - 2019-05-02 18:30:00
annie_kiwi wrote:

I have serious doubts about some of the Ancestry results. My half-brother and I both did the Ancestry tests - the results show that we are first cousins!!! But our birth certificates show that we have the same mother!! What we were looking for is to see if we have the same father - we are both adopted. Any one any clues about how this can happen.

Can you tell us how many centimorgans you share with your half-brother? That is the CM number next to shared DNA.
DNA Painter says half siblings can be anywhere between 1317 to 2312cM. Ancestry says half sibling is 1450 to 2050cM, and 1st cousins 680 to 1150cM. They don't say where anyone 1151 to 1449 is??

catsmeat1 - 2019-05-02 18:55:00

The relationship tag that Ancestry (and all the other companies use) are only guesstimates on the amount of cMs you share. The amount of cMs can fall into several different relationship categories. As rednicnz said use the dnapainter tool. You will find that 1st cousins and half siblings category overlaps.

mousiemousie - 2019-05-02 20:37:00

1602 centimorgans shared across 72 DNA Segments

annie_kiwi - 2019-05-02 23:39:00

That cM is defintely half-siblings.

A bit strange that Ancesry would put it in the 1st cousin group. All part of the learning curve. Concentrate on the Cm numbers.

Are you looking for your bio dads? Facebook DNA detectives has files with suggestions. Also google "Leeds method for dna" this can help group the matches and help find common surnames.

Good luck. Never feel shy about asking questions. Dna research is very complex and I find I am learning more all the time.

catsmeat1 - 2019-05-03 07:24:00

Sorry forgot to say. A friends ancestry test has two half sisters, one has cm 2094, other is 1383. All same Dad.

catsmeat1 - 2019-05-03 07:27:00
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