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Baked or Set Cheesecake Recipe Please


Can anyone give me a recipe for a plain vanilla baked or set cheese cake recipe?

Thanks in advance!!!!

mss2006 - 2019-05-02 08:50:00

mss2006, although I haven't done so myself, I see no reason why the following much tried and tested recipe couldn't be made as a vanilla version. I suggest using vanilla extract or paste + extra water or milk to replace the lemon juice.

Crumb Crust:
1 packet plain biscuits, crushed
170g butter, melted
Combine the biscuits and butter, then spread evenly into a 22•5cm (9”) springform tin and up the sides. Chill while preparing the Filling:
1 tbsp gelatine
250g cream cheese
¾ cup sugar
3 eggs
¼ cup each of water, lemon juice and milk
pinch salt
Blend the gelatine with the water and lemon juice, then set it aside. Combine the cream cheese, ½ cup sugar, beaten egg yolks, milk and salt. Cook over simmering water for 10 minutes, then blend in the gelatine mixture. Cool the mixture.
Beat 3 egg whites, gradually adding the remaining ¼ cup sugar, until soft peaks form. Fold this into cheese mixture and pour the filling carefully into crumb crust. Refrigerate.
If desired, pile whipped cream on top and serve as a dessert or as a cake with coffee. :-))

245sam - 2019-05-02 10:00:00

That sounds great. Thank you for taking the time to reply!

mss2006 - 2019-05-03 11:21:00

Oooh...I've never put eggs in an uncooked cheesecake...and cheesecake is one of my fav desserts...going to save this one and give it a try.. I'll replace lemon with lime and add the zest as well .thanks for sharing!

Edited by wheelz at 8:40 pm, Fri 3 May

wheelz - 2019-05-03 20:34:00
wheelz wrote:

Oooh...I've never put eggs in an uncooked cheesecake...and cheesecake is one of my fav desserts...going to save this one and give it a try.. I'll replace lemon with lime and add the zest as well .thanks for sharing!

this one the eggs are cooked,,,

aktow - 2019-05-07 00:04:00
aktow wrote:

this one the eggs are cooked,,,

Only the egg yolks are cooked aktow, the whites are folded in afterwards. :-))

245sam - 2019-05-07 12:12:00

You're most welcome mss2006 and wheelz.

Many years ago I thought that making cheesecakes was 'way-too-hard' for me to do however I was encouraged to try, using the recipe I posted above, and that first attempt was the first of many cheesecakes that I have gone on to very successfully make, many of them with that recipe. It's always popular and is nicest at least 1 day old, and it freezes well too.

Hope you enjoy it as much as we have over the years. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 12:18 pm, Tue 7 May

245sam - 2019-05-07 12:17:00

Made yesterday...tasted good, a lot lighter than my usual one. Although next time I won't have crumbs up the side. I like the fact it only uses 1 pkt cream cheese, but still makes a decent size cake.

wheelz - 2019-05-08 09:54:00

Ha !.....just had another serve of this cheesecake, (24 hrs later ) and yes, it's even better the next day...hubby reckons I can ditch my numerous other cheesecake recipes, as this ones the best! So thanks 245sam

wheelz - 2019-05-08 20:00:00

Again're most welcome, I'm really pleased that you have found it to be so successful. It's from a 1971 fundraiser souvenir recipe book from my high school days, so it's an oldie but a goodie and I guess you could say it has passed the ultimate test tester in your house (i.e. your hubby). Thanks for the feedback too - it's always nice to know that a posted recipe has been used and so successfully. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 5:09 pm, Thu 9 May

245sam - 2019-05-09 17:08:00
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