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Charles Henry Sinnock


This character was connected to my family and possibly the father of my great grandmother.
He died 1888 in N.z. he was a surgeon and also appears on several criminal charges. Ive got the details from papers past
What im after is a possible foto somewhere of him.
Any suggestions

wagztoo - 2019-05-02 08:44:00

Are there any photos accompanying his criminal records?

In 1882 he was appointed Lodge Surgeon to the Star of New Zealand Lodge (U.A.O.D) - I wonder if photos of their members exist, and there might be one of Dr Sinnock from around this time?

It might also be worth contacting any museums located in the areas he used to live in. As a surgeon he'd be considered a 'prominent' citizen so more likely to have had his portrait taken, or have appeared at civic events where photos were taken.

ed65 - 2019-05-02 10:01:00

In a NZ register of medical practitioners, Charles Henry Sinnock is recorded with the qualification Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1849. I don't know whether photographing the graduating class was common in England in the 1840s but it may pay to investigate the RCS archives?

On Ancestry, someone named 'Sinnocks' has a tree with Charles Henry Sinnock on. That tree says Charles had a daughter Matilda in 1850 (which may or may not be correct). The tree owner has very little info for Matilda but if you're trying to prove that Charles fathered your great grandmother, it may be worth tracing Matilda's line to see if there are any living descendants who might do a DNA test for you.

ed65 - 2019-05-02 10:22:00

Thankyou.ed65 yes Matilda is my gr grandmother. She was born illegitimate 1849.No fathers name
Her father was supposedly a W.B Campbell who was a ships surgeon and was at the Royal college of surgeons to. I cannot find a marriage for Matilds mother Annie Thorn until her marriage to Charles Henry Sinnock in 1863.they were living with him in Wales in 1861 census under the surname sinnock .i have a foto of Annie and also one of a man with her but have no way of knowing who he is unless l can turn up a foto of W.B Campbell and Sinnock

wagztoo - 2019-05-06 14:24:00
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