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King soup mix


Does anyone know if you can take this into Australia as I can not find it over there

elleg1 - 2019-04-29 17:43:00

datoofairy - 2019-04-29 18:16:00

I would guess yes as it is in a sealed packet and does not contain anything fresh or seeds that can be reactivated. Just make sure you declare it. It is a low cost item so if you bought 10 packets, you are only out of pocket by about $25 if it doesn't make it.

gennie - 2019-04-29 19:41:00

why bother , they have Mckenzies brand in most supermarkets in aussie and there is nothing wrong with the brand,, it sells here in countdown and i have used it,, it tastes the same as king brand,

aktow - 2019-04-29 21:20:00

Far to much salt in them.

pollypanner - 2019-04-29 22:08:00

Yes you can. Hubby bought me some back in Feb. Declare it as it is food item.

Edited by marcs at 1:19 am, Tue 30 Apr

marcs - 2019-04-30 01:18:00
pollypanner wrote:

Far to much salt in them.

Whats that got to do with customs regulations?

datoofairy - 2019-04-30 06:22:00

The way this country is going with regulations customs will probably start checking on how much salt you are bringing in. Only because they care about you . . . yeah right.

wasgonna - 2019-04-30 08:30:00
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