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Mushroom parcels


has anyone made these? Years ago we had them when out at a friends place,,, Ive always remembered them , no idea how they were made.. Shes gone now along with the recipe!

caspm5 - 2019-04-20 17:56:00

I'm sure some one here could help, but give us a hint, maybe?
If you could describe them ...casing & filling, would be a help ;o)
Were they wrapped in Filo/other pastry, with a creamy filling, perhaps?
Alison Holst has a good recipe for a mushroom strudel ...was that it?

samanya - 2019-04-20 18:37:00

Make creamy mushroom by putting button mushrooms in a pan with butter gently saute add bacon and then add sour cream dijon mustard and a litlel garlic let cool....then butter sheets of filo add a spoonful of mushroom filling and make a parcel bake in hot oven

petal1955 - 2019-04-20 18:40:00

lots of recipes here

pinkybar - 2019-04-21 10:28:00

filo pastry I think, and yes maybe a creamy filling. Its been so long ago! but the taste buds still remember them

caspm5 - 2019-04-30 17:13:00
petal1955 wrote:

Make creamy mushroom by putting button mushrooms in a pan with butter gently saute add bacon and then add sour cream dijon mustard and a litlel garlic let cool....then butter sheets of filo add a spoonful of mushroom filling and make a parcel bake in hot oven

sounds divine

caspm5 - 2019-04-30 17:13:00
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