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Essex Maternity Hospital Chch


Does anyone know where I can find information about this hospital? I think it closed late 1970's. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

robin23 - 2019-04-17 19:08:00

Do an internet search for it and you will get loads of hits.

h28skipper - 2019-04-17 19:29:00

I had my son there in 1970. It was a tiny hospital very close to SX Bread Factory (not sure I have that name right.) It was great to smell the freshly baked bread. Not long after I got there, I was to have a bath, and thought I was in the wrong room, but the bath was under an examination table!! They were very kind to me, and had all of the experience needed for a difficult birth.

blackhalls - 2019-04-17 22:09:00

Try the library

kiwigc63 - 2019-04-19 08:42:00

my daughter was born there she is now 41 very good place 1977.

chamb - 2019-04-20 12:59:00
robin23 wrote:

Does anyone know where I can find information about this hospital? I think it closed late 1970's. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

My mother was forced to give up a child for adoption in the 1950 there she had to work in the laundry to pay her way apparently the unwed mothers were treated badly and seperated form the wed mums

violetlris - 2019-05-07 14:58:00
violetlris wrote:

My mother was forced to give up a child for adoption in the 1950 there she had to work in the laundry to pay her way apparently the unwed mothers were treated badly and seperated form the wed mums

Essex had a slightly unsavoury reputation as the place where unmarried mother's were sent ( in the days when such things we're thought to matter ) although many births were entirely legitimate.
Yes, there was a lot of pressure and guilt put on single mothers to give up their child.

graybeard - 2019-05-30 15:30:00
graybeard wrote:

Essex had a slightly unsavoury reputation as the place where unmarried mother's were sent ( in the days when such things we're thought to matter ) although many births were entirely legitimate.
Yes, there was a lot of pressure and guilt put on single mothers to give up their child.

My mother had her first baby there in 1947. She lived with the babies father although unmarried. The baby was dropped on the floor immediately after delivery ( mum was slightly sedated but recalled hearing a nurse yelling) Later that day my mother was told the baby was 'unwell' and she could not see him. They informed her two days later that he had died. This incident was covered up and my mum died in 2001, never knowing the truth about it or receiving an explanation from the hospital. I looked into it a few years back, got a copy of his death certificate and found the baby was a 'normal birth' cause of death 'cranial injury' . Imagine that happening nowadays? Hospital would be in a spot of trouble.

Edited by robin23 at 12:05 am, Thu 27 Jun

robin23 - 2019-06-27 00:03:00
robin23 wrote:

My mother had her first baby there in 1947. She lived with the babies father although unmarried. The baby was dropped on the floor immediately after delivery ( mum was slightly sedated but recalled hearing a nurse yelling) Later that day my mother was told the baby was 'unwell' and she could not see him. They informed her two days later that he had died. This incident was covered up and my mum died in 2001, never knowing the truth about it or receiving an explanation from the hospital. I looked into it a few years back, got a copy of his death certificate and found the baby was a 'normal birth' cause of death 'cranial injury' . Imagine that happening nowadays? Hospital would be in a spot of trouble.

Very sad.

mungojerrie - 2019-06-27 09:43:00
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