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Chelsea recipe


A couple of years ago l found a beautifully dark, moist chocolate cake recipe on a Chelsea sugar package and made it. Delish, but a nasty after taste from the two teaspoons of baking soda. Grand daughter is coming to stay and wants to make a chocolate cake recipe she found in a Countdown letter box drop that looks almost identical to the one l made which still has two teaspoons of soda, but this time only one teaspoon of baking powder. The recipe also states Chelsea sugar to be used; direct copy? Hmm - l think so. Anyway, l am wondering if anyone has made a similar cake using two of baking powder to one of soda? Don't want GD's growing confidence dented by, (what she will see), as a failure if l can help it and making a dummy run is not really on. Suggestions? Advice? Experience shared? Thanks in advance, Peoples.

lonicera - 2019-04-17 12:48:00

I have moved this to a different title Baking soda quantity in Chelsea recipe because the one used above is not specific enough.

lonicera - 2019-04-17 14:02:00
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