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Best fluffy easy omelette


Hi grateful for easy fullproof vegetable/mushroom omelette recipe.

infinityjrc - 2019-04-15 22:20:00

3 eggs, separate yolks and whites, beat yolks with a splash of water, beat with a pince salt, beat till stiff and gently fold in yolk. Heat pan with a smear of butter, gently add egg mixture to pan and cook until bottom is brown, put under grill. Prepare your veg/mushroom. Take out omelette, add veg to one side, slide out onto slightly heated plate and fold. Season and enjoy.

I make an omelette most mornings for my son. Usually cheese. I do not beat the egg whites, He loves them and its a good start to the day. You do need a good pan for them to slide out easily and I replace them from time to time. He thinks I should sell them......

lazkaz - 2019-04-16 09:34:00

Cool son, maybe you should. I'm going to make that for my tea tonight :-)

rainrain1 - 2019-04-16 16:23:00

That sounds lovely, I'm going to do that next time. I often whip egg whites for fritters & they are always lighter but it never occurred to me to do it for omelettes.

samanya - 2019-04-16 16:45:00
samanya wrote:

That sounds lovely, I'm going to do that next time. I often whip egg whites for fritters & they are always lighter but it never occurred to me to do it for omelettes.

The first thing we learned in cooking class at Intermediate. It is in the Edmonds Cookbook under the title Italian Omelette".

buzzy110 - 2019-04-16 16:57:00
buzzy110 wrote:

The first thing we learned in cooking class at Intermediate. It is in the Edmonds Cookbook under the title Italian Omelette".

Was that necessary?
I went to an academic school ...didn't take cooking, but I guess you also went to school earlier than me.

Edited by samanya at 5:41 pm, Tue 16 Apr

samanya - 2019-04-16 17:39:00
samanya wrote:

Was that necessary?
I went to an academic school ...didn't take cooking, but I guess you also went to school earlier than me.

Oh. You do that all the time to me. I thought you might appreciate it.

And really? They had an academic Intermediate school where every subject was covered to give children a fair idea of what they would be choosing or streamed into at high school.

buzzy110 - 2019-04-16 17:50:00
buzzy110 wrote:

Oh. You do that all the time to me. I thought you might appreciate it.

And really? They had an academic Intermediate school where every subject was covered to give children a fair idea of what they would be choosing or streamed into at high school.

Did I say I went an intermediate school?
Don't think so.
At my school they were more intent on giving the girls a decent education & equipping us for a career in whatever field that we chose & it worked.
I'm guessing that you were 'educated' at a time where girls were expected to get married & fill in their time with some sort of job, until such time as they left the work force to have a family ...back in the days when women didn't work at a paid job, after marriage.
Anyway buzzy...the fact that you just couldn't help yourself coming in with an attempted 'put down' does you no favours, once again.
Please don't de-rail any more threads, just to have a personal crack at someone (in this case, me).

samanya - 2019-04-16 19:03:00

I remember fluffy omelettes from my childhood. They were fun to make but not great to eat as by the time the foam is cooked through it is quite dry. And if it's not cooked through it's a bit nasty.

If you are going to make one I suggest adding a creamy filling to counteract the dryness.

davidt4 - 2019-04-16 19:48:00
davidt4 wrote:

I remember fluffy omelettes from my childhood. They were fun to make but not great to eat as by the time the foam is cooked through it is quite dry. And if it's not cooked through it's a bit nasty.

If you are going to make one I suggest adding a creamy filling to counteract the dryness.

Thanks, my favourite filling is mushrooms onions bacon etc etc ...much the same flavourings as Coq au Vin.

samanya - 2019-04-16 19:52:00
samanya wrote:

Anyway buzzy...the fact that you just couldn't help yourself coming in with an attempted 'put down' does you no favours, once again.
Please don't de-rail any more threads, just to have a personal crack at someone (in this case, me).

And this isn't a personal crack and aput down of your interpretation of my schooling, which every girl of our generation went through. Am I thrilled you got a, in your mind, superior education? Not really. Not even impressed. Many girls who went through the system went on to have fabulous careers and even my own daughters, who are much younger than you and went through the same system as me have awesome careers. The difference is, of course, they are both well rounded individuals. I would remind you that you regularly follow me around and post 'personal cracks' almost 100% of the time I post making you look even worse.

Anyway, it wasn't a personal crack to say that fluffy omelettes have been around for a longish time. Like davidt4 said, they are pretty naff but I didn't want to say that and upset the OP. I made them once because Mrs Cranston made us make one. These omelettes are usually found in old time cook books under Invalid's food suggestions. I can only say that I'd hate to have been an invalid back in the day because a lot of foods thought suitable for invalids was rather naff imo.

Edited by buzzy110 at 1:14 pm, Wed 17 Apr

buzzy110 - 2019-04-17 13:06:00

Others can (& do) judge for themselves, so I'll leave them to it.

samanya - 2019-04-17 14:07:00
samanya wrote:

Others can (& do) judge for themselves, so I'll leave them to it.

Me too. I have already judged you.

buzzy110 - 2019-04-17 14:22:00

Well, well. Popped in here just out of curiosity as I'm not too good at making omelette and blow me down there's an argument going on. Thought that only went on in more serious threads such as O&P and General.

viking60 - 2019-04-17 14:58:00
viking60 wrote:

Well, well. Popped in here just out of curiosity as I'm not too good at making omelette and blow me down there's an argument going on. Thought that only went on in more serious threads such as O&P and General.

It was going well until .....(the usual case)

samanya - 2019-04-17 15:15:00
samanya wrote:

Did I say I went an intermediate school?
Don't think so.
At my school they were more intent on giving the girls a decent education & equipping us for a career in whatever field that we chose & it worked.
I'm guessing that you were 'educated' at a time where girls were expected to get married & fill in their time with some sort of job, until such time as they left the work force to have a family ...back in the days when women didn't work at a paid job, after marriage.
Anyway buzzy...the fact that you just couldn't help yourself coming in with an attempted 'put down' does you no favours, once again.
Please don't de-rail any more threads, just to have a personal crack at someone (in this case, me).

I have no idea what sort of personal feud is at work here; however, it's not just girls who are taught basic cooking at school. Just as it's not just boys who are taught basic woodwork etc. Get with the times! Anyway, back to the omelette - my mum always made fluffy ones and I just loved them. A bit more trouble than just the basic eggs-beaten-all-together version but nice if you have the time.

kitty179 - 2019-04-17 16:18:00
kitty179 wrote:

I have no idea what sort of personal feud is at work here; however, it's not just girls who are taught basic cooking at school. Just as it's not just boys who are taught basic woodwork etc. Get with the times! Anyway, back to the omelette - my mum always made fluffy ones and I just loved them. A bit more trouble than just the basic eggs-beaten-all-together version but nice if you have the time.

If that's how you see it kitty, so be it. How can you possibly judge without knowing about the continued stalking? I'd suggest that you read more carefully.
I usually try not to react, but sometimes I fail, when it happens all over the TM forums.
btw, I'm more up with the times than you or buzzy would ever know.

Edited by samanya at 6:00 pm, Wed 17 Apr

samanya - 2019-04-17 17:59:00
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