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Sister from Aussie, coming over end of may and i have a feeling there will not be any feijoas around...She loves them.
What is the best way to keep some for her.
I have in the past, scooped them, and froze in bags. They were horrid.
If I stewed them similar as to peaches and freeze them.
I cannot bottle in jars, as hands dont allow me to screw the lids.thx

korbo - 2019-04-14 20:34:00

Should still be some around in May, maybe not on your trees, but available elsewhere, the season lasts into June, with the later fruiting varieties.

I've been busy making Feijoa jelly and fizzy, freezing huge amounts to use later on.

Edited by wheelz at 9:29 pm, Sun 14 Apr

wheelz - 2019-04-14 21:27:00

wheelz, how did you freeze them, and your recipe for fizzy. thanks

korbo - 2019-04-15 08:31:00

I get big feijoas, peel and leave whole. They freeze well, and taste just like they do fresh. I have feijoas all year round doing this.

jentee3 - 2019-04-15 10:55:00
jentee3 wrote:

I get big feijoas, peel and leave whole. They freeze well, and taste just like they do fresh. I have feijoas all year round doing this.

...that is what I did, , but they came out all mushy..

korbo - 2019-04-15 14:14:00

Just made a batch of jam, with vanilla in it.
I am taking some to Germany as a treat.

lilyfield - 2019-04-15 14:23:00
korbo wrote:

...that is what I did, , but they came out all mushy..

Fruit does that if you defrost it. Eat when still only semi defrosted. Try it first. Put some in today and see if they are edible tomorrow then you can make up your own mind.

I love frozen blueberries. I eat them frozen.

Edited by buzzy110 at 2:34 pm, Mon 15 Apr

buzzy110 - 2019-04-15 14:33:00

Buy some mid May and put in chilly bin in the fridge.

gilligee - 2019-04-15 17:44:00
gilligee wrote:

Buy some mid May and put in chilly bin in the fridge. u mean the vegy bin in the fridge>I have a fridge in the shed, i have it on the lowest no, so hopefully they will be ok in there.

korbo - 2019-04-21 17:35:00

I scoop them out, and roast them slowly for a wee while; sure, they go soft but they are delicious. I do not like 'soft' feijoas when eating fresh but when they are roasted like this all their deliciousness is accentuated. I use them in pies, muffins, and eat just as they are )defrosted) with greek yogurt.

awoftam - 2019-04-23 07:29:00
korbo wrote:

wheelz, how did you freeze them, and your recipe for fizzy. thanks

I just slice the whole fruit then bag to freeze...not for eating or baking, I only like very fresh ones to eat, so save the extra large ones to enjoy.
I have way too many, so I'm afraid a lot will still be wasted, despite giving bags away.
I use this recipe for fizz. I am trialling a 10 litre bucket of the fruit, hoping I don't lose it to far so good.
I didn't like the cordial or jelly on this site. Cordial didn't have the bright fresh taste of the fizz and the jelly was insipid and weak.

wheelz - 2019-04-23 09:45:00
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