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Hi i'm just starting out researching my family tree
i have a problem in that i'm adopted and not really sure how to include that, i do know my birth mothers real name, but am just not sure how to show this

Cheers for any help

Martin Sisley

bodhisattva - 2019-04-12 14:46:00

I put a hash tag to say adopted with my family tree. I also had another symbol to say step children. Good luck

kiwiwendy - 2019-04-12 19:09:00

What programe are you using, FTM, Legacy, Rootsweb, Ancestry, Heritage etc... If you'd like to go to your local Family History Center at the LDS Church they maybe able to help you in some way. Stoke FHC hours are Monday, Wednesday & Saturday 9:30am - 2:30pm

grannie6 - 2019-04-13 20:38:00

And there is a local genealogy group that meets once a month.
And the research library Ancesters Attic is in Trafalgar St just by the bridge.

gilligee - 2019-04-14 07:06:00
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