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Has anyone else found that so many bananas are not up to scratch lately? I find if there is a slightly dark bit on the pointy end and they are off it runs right through the whole banana and tastes unpleasant and it seems to be more and more. That coupled with the rough handling they get in the shops doesn’t help

eljayv - 2019-04-10 16:06:00

The Fair Trade bananas are always in good condition.

davidt4 - 2019-04-10 16:16:00

Suit me just fine. I get heaps at a dolar a kilo, only use them in smoothies anyway, so overipe is great, including the valuable skin

lilyfield - 2019-04-10 16:21:00

Slightly off topic, but i've got my own banana palm/tree growing. First bunch of bananas slowly growing now....yay! Was talking to the bosses wife last night and she was saying that you cant make smoothies or cook with the home grown varieties as they go all chalkie tasting. I thought that was interesting as I sometimes make banana muffins, or fry them up with a bit of bacon (super yummy). Anyone else find them chalkie (or not) when used like this. TIA

dibble35 - 2019-04-11 06:09:00

Yes I got some the other day, it had like pips going through the middle wasn't pleasant

slimgym - 2019-04-12 06:48:00
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