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Double Cream...


I have a recipe that calls for this and I couldn't find any in Countdown. Can anyone tell me where I can buy it? thanks.

catz21 - 2019-04-08 21:19:00

It's generally accepted that, in NZ, "double cream" is the usual cream as sold in supermarkets and dairies. This is borne out by this BBC description of single and double creams:
"Single cream is a richer version of milk, with around 18% fat content. You can use it for pouring or adding to coffee. Single cream will not whip and will curdle if boiled, so it can't be a substitute in recipes that call for whipping or double cream."
An Mr Google search brings up plenty the same....
Some overseas creams also have thickeners and stabilisers...

So cream with enough butterfat for whipping = double cream in overseas recipes..... = standard NZ cream

autumnwinds - 2019-04-08 22:43:00

Lewis Road Double cream is sold in most New Worlds and it is excellent. .

davidt4 - 2019-04-08 23:14:00
davidt4 wrote:

Lewis Road Double cream is sold in most New Worlds and it is excellent. .

uh, huh - but it's still virtually the same butterfat content as any other NZ cream (which is a lot cheaper.

Their own site actually confirms what I posted at #2:

**......our Premium Double Cream. In a first for New Zealand, it contains no gelatin (yep! that’s what other double creams use) or other thickeners. Instead, because we don’t strip the butterfat from our cream, 100% cream is all you get.

It whips up to a light and fluffy consistency and is perfect for cooking as it won’t separate when it boils. .....**

Hmm... exactly what I said in #2 - ...* It whips up to a light and fluffy consistency and is perfect for cooking as it won’t separate when it boils...**

Now, if they'd just make proper clotted cream, by the traditional method, I *might* be persuaded that the expense was worth it.... until then, any recipes for "double cream", I'll just get the cheapest in the dairy chiller (checking the b/f content), ta......

autumnwinds - 2019-04-08 23:23:00

Lewis Road double cream is 48% butterfat, single cream, i.e. plain cream, is about 38%. It makes a significant difference and whips to a much denser texture. I value quality over cheapness.

davidt4 - 2019-04-09 08:50:00

Ok. thanks for that. I bought the green value sticker brand from Countdown. It says ...fresh cream, 37% milk fat. It whips up just fine as I always usually buy this one. the recipe is from Yorkshire originally and also has powdered gelatin in it. It is called Pineapple Cream desert and I'm making it for my family who are coming for dinner tomorrow night...Hope it will be a success!!

catz21 - 2019-04-09 10:30:00

Sorry, the gelatin is for another dish I'm making!

catz21 - 2019-04-09 10:39:00
davidt4 wrote:

Lewis Road double cream is 48% butterfat, single cream, i.e. plain cream, is about 38%. It makes a significant difference and whips to a much denser texture. I value quality over cheapness.

Would agree a little bit more expensive but worth it

figjamto - 2019-04-09 11:28:00
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