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21st birthday cake...opinions please


Need to make the cake for my daughters 21st on Saturday.
What I need to know is if I make it on thursday night and ice it on friday (buttercream) would it still be ok on saturday night?? Tia.

fpress - 2019-04-02 16:53:00

Yes, of course, unless it's going to be a very hot day (in which case you'd need a stabiliser in your buttercream mixture).
I hope your daughter has an amazing day.

autumnwinds - 2019-04-02 16:55:00

Thank you autumnwinds. Will stick to my plan then.

fpress - 2019-04-02 19:00:00

Sound great to me...
A good time of year for buttercream... and really hot day (or the middle of summer), butter cream will be struggling.
I was reading on a professional cake facebook page, they do not sell buttercream iced cakes for outdoor weddings in summer.

This is autumn, and I assume it is an afternoon/evening event

duckmoon - 2019-04-02 21:09:00

Cake on Thursday and eat on Saturday will be ok too

duckmoon - 2019-04-02 21:09:00

Thanks duckmoon.

fpress - 2019-04-02 21:24:00
duckmoon wrote:

I was reading on a professional cake facebook page, they do not sell buttercream iced cakes for outdoor weddings in summer.

I mention in #2 the need for a stabilizer in hot weather, which is what professional cake decorators use. I already suggested her planning was fine, unless it was a hot day....... In which case I would have assisted further, just alerting to the possible need for stabilizing in hot conditions....

Several examples here - but others (such as gelatine, and others) aren't mentioned as most professional cake decorators tend to keep some things secret, and are difficult for casual decorators to understand.

autumnwinds - 2019-04-02 22:06:00

Great link autumnwinds.

petmacorpltd - 2019-04-03 07:21:00
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