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Elizabeth Jessie Beer


Does anyone have any books by Elizabeth Jessie Beer of Invercargill who died in 2016?
She also compiled a book called The Land of the Lindsays - 1856 - 1900.
Thanks NAT

nat103 - 2019-04-02 09:18:00

did she have another name for writing

crab2 - 2019-04-02 09:28:00

Christchurch library has a reference copy of The Land of the Lindsays at the Aotearoa New Zealand Centre.

Edited by stock at 10:46 am, Tue 2 Apr

stock - 2019-04-02 10:43:00

Another book is:
Elizabeth Jessie Beer - George Beer; The Saga of his family

It's also at Christchurch library

stock - 2019-04-02 10:49:00

As you know Elizabeth died. Her husband is still alive and lives in a resthome in Invercargill - not sure if it is a good idea to put his name and place on here. Are you wanting to buy a book? Elizabeth was very involved with Genealogy in Invercargill also and if you contact the local genealogy society they could help. They have a web site.

kiwiwendy - 2019-04-03 09:52:00

Hi Kiwiwendy,
Yes it was very sad when Elizabeth passed! Such a loss of Historical knowledge. It would be great to know where we could access her books to buy though. Any ideas? I have just placed a request at a library for an interloan of Land of Lindsays and the national library for the Beer family saga.
So will see if that works!

glenic - 2019-04-04 16:23:00

Elizabeth did some amazing work and I do know she did have "spare" books. I will see what I can do - how can I contact you???

kiwiwendy - 2019-04-04 18:05:00
kiwiwendy wrote:

Elizabeth did some amazing work and I do know she did have "spare" books. I will see what I can do - how can I contact you???

she has listings, send her a message via one of the listings ask a question

crab2 - 2019-04-04 18:30:00

Thanks for all the info folks! NAT

nat103 - 2019-04-05 09:24:00

George and Tryphena Beer were my 4th Great Uncle and Aunt. George's sister Sarah is my 3rd Great Grandmother.

mousiemousie - 2019-04-08 20:53:00
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