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Searching Stanley family members


Would love to know any family members from 1800's in New Zealand. Would love to establish any links

squimage - 2019-04-01 21:23:00

I think people will need a bit more info such as people's names, year of births, where they came from to help to see if there is any connection

crab2 - 2019-04-01 21:30:00

The last time I did that on here I offended people and wasted their time! (seriously)

squimage - 2019-04-02 16:59:00

This is the earlier thread.

Seriously though squimage it is a very blunt instrument you are using here by asking for contacts through TM. TM message board is by membership only and relatively small. It does not function all that well as a contacts area.

Speaking for many of us we like to help find people, dates, connections by using data sources that others may not have access to and because we have built up expertise in certain areas. On there are NZ data specialists, adoption searching specialists and then it will take much prising to get me away from an irish thread.

I think for reaching a wide audience you are better to use Rootschat. it is free. There are 261,801 members from all over the world. There is a NZ section.

Have you done basic searches on BDM in NZ and Papers Past?

shanreagh - 2019-04-03 14:30:00

Thank you for your reply. I have bought certificates from BDM, I have joined our local genealogy group, I've been a member through Ancestry for the past two years and have done the DNA test, I have just found rootschat, I have contacted Stanley family tree creators from overseas, I have searched though Papers past, I have spent a day in Wanganui at their library and had help from the fabulous staff, I have contacted distant family members for any info and this was another avenue to try as I feel like I am running out of options. I do not expect anyone to do this for me. All I was asking for was anyone with info or the last name Stanley to maybe create another path to go down. I apologise, I could have worded the question better

squimage - 2019-04-05 09:38:00
squimage wrote:

The last time I did that on here I offended people and wasted their time! (seriously)

It's been awhile since I did alot of helping on here so have no idea that happened

crab2 - 2019-04-05 17:55:00

I can't tell you anything about your family. I can tell you that you are not connected to the branch of John and Mary Stanley that settled in Christchurch in the 1850's.

mousiemousie - 2019-04-25 14:38:00
squimage wrote:

Thank you for your reply. I have bought certificates from BDM, I have joined our local genealogy group, I've been a member through Ancestry for the past two years and have done the DNA test, I have just found rootschat, I have contacted Stanley family tree creators from overseas, I have searched though Papers past, I have spent a day in Wanganui at their library and had help from the fabulous staff, I have contacted distant family members for any info and this was another avenue to try as I feel like I am running out of options. I do not expect anyone to do this for me. All I was asking for was anyone with info or the last name Stanley to maybe create another path to go down. I apologise, I could have worded the question better

My dad's very good friend was Stanley . . . he passed away in 2005 though.

edzmax - 2019-04-25 19:32:00

FRANCIS STANLEY buried Clareville in early 1930s.. only Stanley buried here, is he on your family please as researching the burials at the cemetery. thank you. Does have a headstone so can photograph it if required.

Clareville Taphophile

neich - 2019-04-26 07:02:00
mousiemousie wrote:

I can't tell you anything about your family. I can tell you that you are not connected to the branch of John and Mary Stanley that settled in Christchurch in the 1850's.

Ok thank you

squimage - 2019-05-30 12:35:00
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