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Silverbeet glut


My silverbeets are taking over my garden. I make silverbeet soup in winter which is why I planted them. I have just seen recipe for silverbeet rolls which I will try out for dinner one night this week. Any thing else I can do with them? As they are free in my garden I do want to use them up but also reading up on it, it does have good nutrition.

marcs - 2019-03-31 10:23:00

Braised Silverbeet & Chick Peas with Onion and Tahini Sauce

Serves 4 – 6

2 onions finely sliced
½ tsp salt
125 ml olive oil

large bunch silverbeet (leaves)
2 c cooked chick peas
50 ml olive oil
½ onion diced
1 clove garlic
1 tab coriander seeds roasted
1 tsp ground cumin

2 lemons
salt & pepper

1 clove garlic crushed with ¼ tsp salt
125 ml tahini
100 ml lemon juice (or more)
cold water

Break up onions with salt and combine well. Leave 15 min, rinse and squeeze water out. Heat oil to smoking hot and fry onions 8 – 10 min until brown. Drain.

Shred silverbeet. Heat oil and saute onion & garlic until soft. Crush coriander, add to pan with silverbeet, chick peas, lemon juice, salt & pepper. Cover and cook 20 min, remove lid to evaporate liquid.

Mix garlic with tahini, then lemon juice, thin with water to pouring cream consistency. Check acidity and salt - should be very lemony.

Pour sauce over silverbeet, then onions, sprinkle with paprika.

davidt4 - 2019-03-31 10:43:00

Spinach/Silver beet with Yoghurt

serves 4

2 bags spinach/10 - 20 silver beet leaves
30g ghee
2 tsp black mustard seeds
¼ tsp fenugreek seeds
½ tsp ground cumin
½ tsp ground nutmeg
¼ tsp chilli flakes
1 tsp brown sugar
500g plain thick yoghurt

Cook leaves, squeeze and chop.

Melt ghee, add spices and sugar, stir a few minutes until seeds pop.

Add leaves and yoghurt, stir until heated. Do not boil.

davidt4 - 2019-03-31 10:44:00

Korean Silverbeet (or kale) with Mis

500g kale or silverbeet leaves, stems removed
2 tab oil
1/3 onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, grated
65 ml Korean miso
1 tab honey
2 spring onions

Blanch leaves briefly, drain, cool, squeeze out excess water. Chop into small pieces.

Heat a large pan over high heat, add oil. Add onion and garlic, stir fry 1 min. Add leaves, cook 3 min. Add miso and honey, combine well for 3 min. Add spring onion and combine.

Serve hot or cool. Will keep 3 days in fridge.

davidt4 - 2019-03-31 10:45:00

Try a salad.
A good mix is torn silverbeet, orange segments, thin onion rings (red onions are good), quartered hardboiled eggs, some red pepper and tomato wedges. Toss just before serving with a dressing made from oil and wine vinegar with a crushed garlic clove and a little sugar to taste. Finely sliced raw mushrooms are pretty good in there, too - just a few. Also a small handful of cashews.
Make up your own salad, according to what you have in the cupboard, but don't bother using old silverbeet leaves - young ones are best.

Any recipe that uses spinach can be converted to a silverbeet dish.
Try Spanokopita.

punkinthefirst - 2019-03-31 10:46:00

Silverbeet is known as Swiss Chard in Europe, so you could look it up under that name. Here's an Italian way of preparing it.

Sicilian Swiss Chard and Ricotta (Locatelli)

serves 4

2 tab olive oil
550g Swiss chard (including stalks) cut into large pieces
280g ricotta
salt and pepper
2 eggs, beaten

Heat oven to 180 C. Oil a baking dish.

Peel off stringy outside of chard, blanch in salted water 5 minutes, drain well.

Combine ricotta, salt, pepper and eggs in a large bowl.

Heat oil in a pan, add chard, cook until stalks are golden and the leaves completely wilted. Combine with ricotta. Transfer to baking dish, bake for 10 minutes until firmed up.

davidt4 - 2019-03-31 10:47:00

Creamed Silverbeet

600grms silverbeet leaves finely sliced with White stalks removed
1 cup water
1/2 veg stock or use a stock cube
3 TBsp creamed horseradish
1 cup cream
1/2 cup sour cream
Salt & Pepper

Cook silverbeet in water and stock until tender
Squeeze out moisture
Place in Food Processor and process with other ingreidents( I use a bowl and use my hand whizzer)

petal1955 - 2019-03-31 11:23:00

Freeze it.
Gove it to neighbors
Sell it,dollar a bunch at front gate

lilyfield - 2019-03-31 11:51:00

Silver Beet tart/quiche....or one of my favourite ways is a Digby Law recipe

Silver Beet mould
Melt 2 tabs butter in a saucepan & stir in 2 tabs flour, remove from heat & stir in1/2 cup milk, return to heat & stir until thickened (quite thick). Add 1 1/2 cups cooked silverbeet, salt & pepper & 1 tsp grated onion (I often add more & finely chop rather than grated).
Cool a little & stir in 3 beaten egg yolks. Then fold in 3 stiffly beaten egg whites.
Pour into a well greased ring tin(or any shape), place in a pan of hot water & bake about 180c for about 30 minutes or until firm.
I often add other flavouring, whatever takes my fancy at the time.
A dash of chilli goes well, imo.

Edited by samanya at 12:37 pm, Sun 31 Mar

samanya - 2019-03-31 12:36:00
lilyfield wrote:

Freeze it.
Gove it to neighbors
Sell it,dollar a bunch at front gate

How would you freeze it?

marcs - 2019-03-31 16:58:00

cook a huge bunch of silverbeet including the stalks in the bottom of a pot with a little bit of water & salt. drain and cool for a little bit, throw in as much chopped garlic as you want, 1 egg and a tin of creamed corn. mix well and put in a buttered dish, put grated cheese on top, and tomato if you want, cook in the oven until golden on top, about 40 minutes, easy with a roast, and you can use as much silverbeet as you want. No idea what its called, my husband insists his mother used to make it, she says she didnt, but everyone likes it.

articferrit - 2019-03-31 18:05:00
marcs wrote:

How would you freeze it?

I've never done it, but maybe if you chop & steam lightly so that it's still bright green & then cool & freeze?

samanya - 2019-03-31 18:29:00

I cook it and freeze in flat patties ready to use but forget to as it is always in the garden!

gilligee - 2019-03-31 19:17:00

take it to a charity shop, they will give it away for you

slimgym - 2019-04-01 06:35:00

Give some to the local food bank to give out with food parcels.

raloki - 2019-04-01 07:03:00
marcs wrote:

How would you freeze it?

I remove stems,shove it in plastic bags. Once needed just crunch up the fozen leaces, ideal for quiches

lilyfield - 2019-04-01 08:28:00

I don't want to give them away. I want to know what other things I can make with it to feed my family. I made the silverbeet rolls just like you make cabbage rolls. I cooked the rolls in chicken stock. It is nice high protein snack. I made it with pork mince 500g, 1 very large spring onion, 1/4 cup washed uncooked rice, ginger, 1 tbs soy sauce, Sesame oil and little salt. Remove stems. Blanch the silverbeet. Roll little amounts of pork mix in blanched siverbeet leaves. Put some stems down on the a pot. I covered the stem with left over sliverbeet leaves. Layer the rolls over the silverbeet, pour 1 liter of chicken stock (almost covering the rolls) bring to a boil and gently simmer for 1/2 an hour. The stems and leaves and stock are all edible.

marcs - 2019-04-01 23:51:00

I have made this recipe once a week for the last couple of years. Uses up loads of lovely silverbeet, and is really simple to make. When I have a glut of silverbeet I do step 1 and 2, and freeze it for another curry, another day...

mjhdeal - 2019-04-02 07:03:00

Don't throw away the stems, loads of goodness in them. A nice way of cooking the stems is making a curry batter and frying them.

jan2242 - 2019-04-03 08:51:00

Boil or steam stems until tender then season with butter, salt and pepper - yum!
Will try your idea marcs, sounds lovely.
Also thought of beef olives with silverbeet layered on the inside of the beef, then the stuffing ...

bisloy - 2019-04-04 18:37:00

OP What is your silverbeet soup recipe please?

thuntzster - 2019-04-05 20:36:00
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