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DNA Matching results via Paternal Seach


Hi Has anyone actually managed to use the new matching search on Ancestry and get it to load???? The search on DNA Matches which allows through the filters to search either Paternal or Maternal search???? All mine ever does is say loading and it's orb or what ever it's called just spins never loading anything and does it on both said Paternal and Maternal It is only Paternal side I am interested in. I know crab is busy currently so wondered if anyone has managed to achieve this Thanks Anne

anne1955 - 2019-03-30 11:28:00

Try clearing your cache, that may do the trick

marymc - 2019-03-30 18:37:00

I found Mozilla was doing that for a while and changed to Chrome and it worked. Different browser perhaps?

rednicnz - 2019-04-01 20:03:00
rednicnz wrote:

I found Mozilla was doing that for a while and changed to Chrome and it worked. Different browser perhaps?

It keeps asking me if I want to update to chrome often might have to Thanks

anne1955 - 2019-04-01 21:43:00
marymc wrote:

Try clearing your cache, that may do the trick

No sadly not thanks anyway

anne1955 - 2019-04-01 21:44:00
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