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When to bottle pears


At what point is it best to bottle pears. Slightly under ripe, still firm, just ripe so just starting to soften or fully ripe and getting soft. Thanks.

coolnzmum - 2019-03-29 16:46:00

still firm as wont they go mussy when adding hot liquid

bobcat_6 - 2019-03-29 17:12:00

I don't know if this helps but just recently I bottled black boy peaches and they were a little under ripe and they were perfect when cooked. The BB peaches cooked very quickly and the texture is excellent. I would try the pears slightly under ripe and see how that goes.

malcovy - 2019-03-29 20:39:00
malcovy wrote:

I don't know if this helps but just recently I bottled black boy peaches and they were a little under ripe and they were perfect when cooked. The BB peaches cooked very quickly and the texture is excellent. I would try the pears slightly under ripe and see how that goes.

Exactly. I have already bottled my pears. I prefer to do them when still firm but have reached the 'edible' stage.

Edited by buzzy110 at 3:33 pm, Sat 30 Mar

buzzy110 - 2019-03-30 15:33:00

I did three lots today with my daughter. 4 large agree jars and 21 small jars. Still a lot more pears on the trees. ☺ Granddaughter was up the trees picking them.

coolnzmum - 2019-03-30 16:42:00
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