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HELP! I have opened a tin of condensed milk


and I want to make a dessert with it. I have tinned boysenberries and cherries ......
I was wanting some dip and thought it was reduced cream :(

bisloy - 2019-03-26 17:06:00

Pour it over ice cream. Mix it with cream to make ice cream (Google will tell you how).

Edited by coolnzmum at 5:14 pm, Tue 26 Mar

coolnzmum - 2019-03-26 17:14:00

Highlander cheese cake with berry topping.

fifie - 2019-03-26 17:14:00

Freeze it until you need to use it. It freezes well. Otherwise, make some biscuits with it. There should be recipes online.

mak47 - 2019-03-26 17:48:00

Mix it with cream and lime juice to make a Key lime pie - yummy

dibble35 - 2019-03-26 17:51:00

Interesting dibble35. Do you have the recipe?
I have actually made a choc pudding replacing the topping sugars with the condensed milk. Hope its OK, but I have just realised that I forgot to put in the baking powder!! It should taste OK I hope.

bisloy - 2019-03-26 18:19:00
dibble35 wrote:

Mix it with cream and lime juice to make a Key lime pie - yummy

This ...absolutely this.
I'm not a fan of sweet food, but I love this one as a treat.

samanya - 2019-03-26 18:19:00

Do you whip the cream and fold everything through?

bisloy - 2019-03-26 18:22:00

Why don't you crush up a couple of packets of biscuits. Add some dried fruit and nut and bind it together with condensed milk. Make into balls. Like rum balls or apricot balls.

Key lime pie has eggs and condensed milk beaten together and put in a pie crust and baked. Look up recipe on the web. I have make lemon meringue pie with condensed milk in similar way.

marcs - 2019-03-26 19:24:00
bisloy wrote:

and I want to make a dessert with it. I have tinned boysenberries and cherries ......
I was wanting some dip and thought it was reduced cream :(

Can of opened condensed milk. Spoon. Couch. Binge view. Eat.
No problem

diamondgirl06 - 2019-03-26 19:50:00
bisloy wrote:

Interesting dibble35. Do you have the recipe?
I have actually made a choc pudding replacing the topping sugars with the condensed milk. Hope its OK, but I have just realised that I forgot to put in the baking powder!! It should taste OK I hope.

Hi here tis.
4 limes, grate off the rind and juice them. approx 275ml cream, 1 tin condensed milk and juice and rind in a bowl. and stir together, no need to whip. Make a biscuit crumb base, pour over the lime slosh. Refrigerate for at least 6 hrs, overnight is good. Theres some sort of reaction with the lime juice and the cream that makes it set. It truly is a delicious lime pie. And a good time of year to make it as limes should be cheap or free if you can find someone with a tree.

dibble35 - 2019-03-26 20:26:00

My favourite use of Con.Milk is in the base of a steamed pudding bowl... cover with a batter and steam for a lovely caramel topping when inverted... .. delicious and I usually don't like caramel anything... but this is nice.

karlymouse - 2019-03-28 18:36:00

Luckily I have some more tins of condensed milk in the cupboard to make the key lime pie and the caramel steamed pudding! Thank you dibble35 and karlymouse

bisloy - 2019-03-29 11:23:00

I have half a can so I will make this just halving recipe basically The easiest and most delicious homemade no churn vanilla ice-cream! You only need 3 ingredients and 10 minutes to make a batch of this - no ice-cream maker needed

250 ml cream
1 x 395g can condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
In a large bowl using a hand mixer or the bowl of your stand mixer using the whisk attachment, whip cream until stiff peaks form (about 10 minutes)

In a separate bowl mix together condensed milk and vanilla. Fold through the whipped cream until well combined. At this stage if you wanted to add any extras such as crushed Oreos, chocolate chips or other colours or flavours, add them now too.

Pour into a freezer proof container and freeze for at least 6 hours or until firm. Store in the freezer.

groomingtools - 2019-04-01 18:12:00
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